Winter sun in the Ross Sea, by Célia Julia Sapart. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at
This month we are highlighting two new studies published in EGU journals.
One, published in The Cryosphere, shows how much sea level would rise
following the collapse of two Antarctic ice shelves. The other, featured in
Biogeosciences, shows that oxygen loss in the coastal Baltic Sea over the
past century is unprecedented in the last 1500 years. You can read the press releases for both studies on the
EGU website.
Finally, if you'd like to apply for financial support from the EGU to
organise a meeting, make sure to submit
an application by 15 August. This is also the deadline to submit proposals for Union
Symposia and Great Debates at the EGU 2019 General Assembly. The deadline for
scientific sessions is 6 September.