HESS article most cited source on Wikipedia 9 May 2018 A paper published in the EGU/Copernicus journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences back in 2007 on global climate zones has been named the most cited source on Wikipedia, referenced more than 2.8 million times. Read more
ESD Ideas – Earth System Dynamics journal launches new manuscript type 27 April 2018 The EGU/Copernicus journal Earth System Dynamics (ESD) is launching a new article format – ESD Ideas – for highly innovative scientific ideas. The format invites the publication of exciting and well-founded scientific ideas without a comprehensive analysis of all of its aspects. Read more
Monthly news from EGU: EGU 2018 highlights (April 2018) 26 April 2018 The April 2018 edition of the EGU email newsletter, the monthly information service for Union members, is now available. Read more
Hurricane Harvey: Dutch-Texan research shows most fatalities occurred outside flood zones Press release 19 April 2018 A Dutch-Texan team found that most Houston-area drowning deaths from Hurricane Harvey occurred outside the zones designated by government as being at higher risk of flooding: the 100- and 500-year floodplains. Harvey, one of the costliest storms in US history, hit southeast Texas on 25 August 2017 causing unprecedented flooding and killing dozens. Researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and Rice University in Texas published their results today in the European Geosciences Union journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Read more
Solid Earth website relaunched 16 April 2018 The website of the EGU/Copernicus open-access journal Solid Earth was relaunched with a new design during the EGU General Assembly last week. In addition, the former chief executive editor Fabrizio Storti stepped down. His successor is CharLotte Krawczyk who has been an executive editor since 2015. Read more
EGU 2018 Public Engagement Grants awarded to Suzanne Imber and Fabio Bonali 13 April 2018 The EGU Outreach Committee has named Suzanne Imber and Fabio Bonali as the winners of the 2018 EGU Public Engagement Grants competition. Read more
New EGU opportunity for early career scientists to be involved with policy 13 April 2018 European-based early career scientists (ECS) are invited to apply for the EGU’s ECS Policy Competition. The competition is open to all undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/PhD) students and scientists who have received their highest degree (BSc, MSc, or PhD) within the past seven years. The winner of the competition will receive a ticket to a Dinner Debate in Brussels on the evening of September 26, 2018. Read more
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT) celebrates its 10th anniversary 6 April 2018 In 2008, the EGU and Copernicus launched a new journal dedicated specifically to atmospheric measurement techniques. The EGU Publications Committee and the co-editors-in-chief will celebrate the 10th anniversary of AMT during an evening reception, open to all, at the EGU General Assembly 2018 in Vienna, taking place at the PICO spot 5a on Tuesday, 10 April at 19:00. Read more
Joint EGU-AGU statement of principles for a code of ethics for the geosciences 4 April 2018 The European Geosciences Union (EGU) takes pride in aspiring to the highest ethical standards in everything we do. To this end, we have created, in partnership with AGU, a joint code of ethics. We encourage you to adopt its recommendations both for the meeting and your wider professional life. Read more
EGU 2018 General Assembly media advisory 4 – Press conferences live stream, on-site registration Press release 3 April 2018 Next week (8–13 April), some 14,000 scientists will gather in Vienna for the 2018 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). The meeting provides an opportunity for journalists to hear about the latest research in the Earth, planetary and space sciences and to talk to scientists from all over the world. The press conference programme includes presentations on new results from ESA and NASA missions, what’s at risk from coastal hazards, and the 2017 wildfire season, among other topics. Interested journalists can register on-site, free of charge, during the meeting. Those who cannot make it to Vienna can watch press conferences remotely through live-streaming links. Read more