Monthly news from EGU: Oxygen loss, ice shelves, elections (July 2018) 31 July 2018 The July 2018 edition of the EGU email newsletter, the monthly information service for Union members, is now available. Read more
New study puts a figure on sea-level rise following Antarctic ice shelves’ collapse Press release 19 July 2018 An international team of scientists has shown how much sea level would rise if Larsen C and George VI, two Antarctic ice shelves at risk of collapse, were to break up. While Larsen C has received much attention due to the break-away of a trillion-tonne iceberg from it last summer, its collapse would contribute only a few millimetres to sea-level rise. The break-up of the smaller George VI Ice Shelf would have a much larger impact. The research is published today in the European Geosciences Union journal The Cryosphere. Read more
EGU Autumn 2018 elections: call for candidates 17 July 2018 The EGU Election Autumn 2018 for the next EGU Treasurer will take place from 1 to 30 November 2018. You are kindly asked to propose a candidate for the vacancy by 15 September 2018. You are welcome and encouraged to nominate yourself. Read more
New study: oxygen loss in the coastal Baltic Sea is “unprecedentedly severe” Press release 5 July 2018 The Baltic Sea is home to some of the world’s largest dead zones, areas of oxygen-starved waters where most marine animals can’t survive. But while parts of this sea have long suffered from low oxygen levels, a new study by a team in Finland and Germany shows that oxygen loss in coastal areas over the past century is unprecedented in the last 1500 years. The research is published today in the European Geosciences Union journal Biogeosciences. Read more
Monthly news from EGU: Financial support for meetings, call for sessions (June 2018) 27 June 2018 The June 2018 edition of the EGU email newsletter, the monthly information service for Union members, is now available. Read more
EGU raises €17,000 for carbon offsetting scheme, thanks to General Assembly participants 26 June 2018 For the first time, we gave participants at the annual EGU General Assembly the opportunity to offset the CO2 emissions resulting from their travel to and from Vienna. We are happy to report that, as a result of this initiative, we raised nearly €17,000 for a carbon offsetting scheme. Read more
Follow EU policy news on the EGU website 22 June 2018 A new section on the EGU policy pages summarises recent EU policy news and opportunities that are relevant to geoscientists. It includes recently passed legislation, EU funding opportunities and EU Commission consultations. Read more
Apply for EGU financial support for training schools and propose conferences within two new series 1 June 2018 Up until 15 August 2018, we welcome requests for EGU support of training schools in the Earth, planetary or space sciences scheduled for 2019. In addition, we welcome proposals for conferences on solar system and planetary processes, as well as on biochemical processes in the Earth system, in line with two new conference series we are launching that are name after two female scientists. Read more
Monthly news from EGU: Award nominations, new conference series (May 2018) 30 May 2018 The May 2018 edition of the EGU email newsletter, the monthly information service for Union members, is now available. Read more
EGU Committee on Education seeking new members 17 May 2018 The Committee on Education, which coordinates the EGU activities related to secondary and tertiary education, is looking for new members to help further its programmes. Read more