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Webinar How To Convene A Session At The EGU General Assembly Wed, 27 Apr 2022 16:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

How To Convene A Session At The EGU General Assembly

The EGU General Assembly is built upon the many diverse sessions organised by its members, but convening a session might seem a little daunting to those without experience such as first-time conveners and early career scientists. This webinar aims to answer your queries and provide guidance detailing the key tips to running a successful session. Speaking in this webinar will be Jenny Turton, Deputy Union-level Early Career Scientist Representative, and Meriel Bittner, PhD fellow at the University of Copenhagen. They will be detailing how to keep your session running on time, how to introduce your speakers, and how to juggle online vs in-person participation will be included. You will also hear about engaging with OSPP awards and early steps to submitting and convening sessions for EGU23.

The webinar will conclude with an audience Q&A, so come prepped with your own questions!

Jenny Turton is the incoming union-level Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative for EGU. She was previously the ECS representative for the Cryosphere division and has a background in atmosphere-cryosphere interactions. Now she works at the science-policy interface for a non-profit organisation based in Norway called Arctic Frontiers. She tweets TurtonJ1990 and can be reached at

Meriel Bittner is a PhD fellow at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is combining chemical and molecular microbial tools to explore marine microorganisms and their impact on biogeochemical cycles. Currently, she is studying the effects of B vitamins as micronutrients on the marine ecosystem. Previously she obtained a MSc degree in Ecology and Ecosystems at the University of Vienna studying the deep sea. Her research interests include marine biogeochemistry and microbiology.

You can view the online event here (Youtube).

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