Oxygen and sulfur mass-independent isotopic signatures in black crusts: thecomplementary negative Δ33S reservoir of sulfate aerosols? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-20-4255-2020 27 April 2020 Given their critical impact on radiative forcing, sulfate aerosols have been extensively studied using their isotope signatures (δ 34 S, ∆ 33 S, ∆ 36 S, δ 18 O, and ∆ 17 O). A striking observation is that ∆ 33 S > 0 ‰, implying a missing reservoir in the sulfur cycle. Here, we measured ∆ 33 S < 0 ‰ in black crust sulfates (i.e., formed on carbonate walls) that must therefore result from distinct chemical pathway(s) compared to sulfate aerosols, and they may well represent this complementary reservoir. Read more
Surface water and groundwater: unifying conceptualization and quantification of the two “water worlds” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/hess-24-1831-2020 27 April 2020 We present a blueprint for a unified modelling framework to quantify chemical transport in both surface water and groundwater systems. There has been extensive debate over recent decades, particularly in the surface water literature, about how to explain and account for long travel times of chemical species that are distinct from water flow (rainfall-runoff) travel times. We suggest a powerful modelling framework known to be robust and effective from the field of groundwater hydrology. Read more
Statistical estimation of global surface temperature response to forcing under the assumption of temporal scaling Earth System Dynamics DOI 10.5194/esd-11-329-2020 23 April 2020 This paper presents efficient Bayesian methods for linear response models of global mean surface temperature that take into account long-range dependence. We apply the methods to the instrumental temperature record and historical model runs in the CMIP5 ensemble to provide estimates of the transient climate response and temperature projections under the Representative Concentration Pathways. Read more
Technical note: Preparation and purification of atmospherically relevant α-hydroxynitrate esters of monoterpenes Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-20-4241-2020 23 April 2020 This report describes a simple, safe and effective method to prepare nitrate esters of terpenes (carene, limonene, perillic alcohol, beta-pinene and alpha-pinene) which are key oxidation products in the atmosphere. These compounds are implicated in the formation of secondary organic aerosols. A compilation of the relevant spectroscopic data has been presented. The availability of these compounds and their characterization data will enable further study of the structure–reactivity relationships. Read more
Run-up, inundation, and sediment characteristics of the 22 December 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, Indonesia Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/nhess-20-933-2020 21 April 2020 This article reports the results of a field survey carried out in the disaster area of the December 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami, Indonesia. It provides data covering run-up heights, inundations, tsunami directions, and sediment characteristics. The data can be used for the validation of hydrodynamic models, and they contribute to a better understanding of the Sunda Strait tsunami caused by the Anak Krakatau volcano. In addition, they are important for spatial planning and mitigation efforts. Read more
Supercooled liquid water cloud observed, analysed, and modelled at the top ofthe planetary boundary layer above Dome C, Antarctica Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-20-4167-2020 21 April 2020 Thin (~ 100 m) supercooled liquid water (SLW, water staying in liquid phase below 0 °C) clouds have been detected, analysed, and modelled over the Dome C (Concordia, Antarctica) station during the austral summer 2018–2019 using observations and meteorological analyses. The SLW clouds were observed at the top of the planetary boundary layer and the SLW content was always strongly underestimated by the model indicating an incorrect simulation of the surface energy budget of the Antarctic Plateau. Read more
Ramped thermal analysis for isolating biologically meaningful soil organic matter fractions with distinct residence times SOIL DOI 10.5194/soil-6-131-2020 16 April 2020 Soils contain one of the largest and most dynamic pools of carbon on Earth, yet scientists still struggle to understand the reactivity and fate of soil organic matter upon disturbance. In this study, we found that with increasing thermal stability, the turnover time of organic matter increased from decades to centuries with a concurrent shift in chemical composition. In this proof-of-concept study, we found that ramped thermal analyses can provide new insights for understanding soil carbon. Read more
Baroclinic and barotropic instabilities in planetary atmospheres: energetics, equilibration and adjustment Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics DOI 10.5194/npg-27-147-2020 16 April 2020 Baroclinic and barotropic instabilities are well known as the processes responsible for the production of the most important energy-containing eddies in the atmospheres and oceans of Earth and other planets. Linear and nonlinear instability theories provide insights into when such instabilities may occur, grow to a large amplitude and saturate, with examples from the laboratory, simplified numerical models and planetary atmospheres. We conclude with a number of open issues for future research. Read more
Description and Evaluation of the specified-dynamics experiment in the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-20-3809-2020 9 April 2020 Atmospheric composition is strongly influenced by global-scale winds that are not always properly simulated in computer models. A common approach to correct for this bias is to relax or nudge to the observed winds. Here we systematically evaluate how well this technique performs across a large suite of chemistry–climate models in terms of its ability to reproduce key aspects of both the tropospheric and stratospheric circulations. Read more
Real-time pollen monitoring using digital holography Atmospheric Measurement Techniques DOI 10.5194/amt-13-1539-2020 9 April 2020 We present the first validation of the only operational automatic pollen monitoring system based on holography, the Swisens Poleno. The device produces real-time images of coarse aerosols, and by applying a machine learning algorithm we identify a range of pollen taxa with accuracy >90 %. The device was further validated in controlled chamber experiments to verify the counting ability and the performance of additional fluorescence measurements, which can further be used in pollen identification. Read more