Impact of modellers’ decisions on hydrological a priori predictions Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/hess-18-2065-2014 4 June 2014 Researchers report the discharge predictions of 10 modellers – using the model of their choice – for the man-made Chicken Creek catchment (6 ha, northeast Germany) and analyse how well they improved their prediction in three steps based on adding information prior to each following step. Read more
Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene vegetation history of northeastern Russian Arctic inferred from the Lake El’gygytgyn pollen record Climate of the Past DOI 10.5194/cp-10-1017-2014 22 May 2014 The 318 m thick lacustrine sediment record from Lake El’gygytgyn, northeastern Russian Arctic cored by the international El’gygytgyn Drilling Project provides unique opportunities for the time-continuous reconstruction of the regional paleoenvironmental history for the past 3.6 Myr. This is analysed here. Read more
Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone – Part 1: Measurement techniques, uncertainties and availability Atmospheric Measurement Techniques DOI 10.5194/amt-7-1395-2014 21 May 2014 This summary presents an overview of stratospheric ozone profile measurement data sets (ground and satellite based) available for ozone recovery studies. Here we document measurement techniques, spatial and temporal coverage, vertical resolution, native units and measurement uncertainties. Read more
Nighttime observation and chemistry of HOx in the Pearl River Delta and Beijing in summer 2006 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-14-4979-2014 21 May 2014 Nighttime HOx chemistry was investigated in two ground-based field campaigns (PRIDE-PRD2006 and CAREBEIJING2006) in summer 2006 in China by comparison of measured and modeled concentration data of OH and HO2. Read more
Magnetic signature of large exhumed mantle domains of the Southwest Indian Ridge – results from a deep-tow geophysical survey over 0 to 11 Ma old seafloor Solid Earth DOI 10.5194/se-5-339-2014 19 May 2014 We investigate the magnetic signature of ultramafic seafloor in the eastern part of the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR). There, detachment faulting, continuous over 11 Myr, exhumed large areas of mantle-derived rocks. Read more
A tropical West Pacific OH minimum and implications for stratospheric composition Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-14-4827-2014 15 May 2014 Most of the short-lived biogenic and anthropogenic chemical species that are emitted into the atmosphere break down efficiently by reaction with OH and do not reach the stratosphere. Here we show the existence of a pronounced minimum in the tropospheric column of ozone over the West Pacific, the main source region for stratospheric air, and suggest a corresponding minimum of the tropospheric column of OH. Read more
Adapting to life: ocean biogeochemical modelling and adaptive remeshing Ocean Science DOI 10.5194/os-10-323-2014 9 May 2014 We present a novel method of simulating ocean biogeochemical behaviour on a vertically adaptive computational mesh, where the mesh changes in response to the biogeochemical and physical state of the system throughout the simulation. Read more
A general framework for understanding the response of the water cycle to global warming over land and ocean Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/hess-18-1575-2014 6 May 2014 In an attempt to develop a simple framework for local-scale analysis we found that the climate model output shows a remarkably close relation to the long-standing Budyko framework of catchment hydrology. Read more
Modelling environmental influences on calving at Helheim Glacier in eastern Greenland The Cryosphere DOI 10.5194/tc-8-827-2014 6 May 2014 Calving is an important mass-loss process for many glaciers worldwide, and has been assumed to respond to a variety of environmental influences. We present a grounded, flowline tidewater glacier model using a physically-based calving mechanism, applied to Helheim Glacier, eastern Greenland. Read more
Effects of stratospheric ozone recovery on photochemistry and ozone air quality in the troposphere Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-14-4079-2014 23 April 2014 In this study, the authors examine the implications of stratospheric ozone recovery for the tropospheric chemistry and ozone air quality with a global chemical transport model (GEOS-Chem). Read more