EGU Newsletter: Monthly information service for members of the European Geosciences Union

Valle de la Luna, Atacama Desert, Chile, by Catarina Guerreiro. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at


Last week, the EGU hosted its first science-policy dinner debate in Brussels. The event, 'Horizon Geoscience: overcoming societal challenges, creating change', was organised in collaboration with the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and brought together geoscientists, policymakers and industry representatives. On the EGU website, we report on the outcome of the discussion and publish the key findings from the Horizon 2020 Geoscience Survey conducted earlier this year.

In the past few weeks, we have also issued three press releases highlighting research published in some of EGU's open access journals. Follow the links to find out how bombing raids in the Second World War impacted the ionosphere, how glacial geoengineering could help limit sea-level rise, and what the point of no return for climate action might be.


EGU News
General Assembly
Journal Watch
EGU Blogs

EGU News

More EGU news items are available on the EGU website.  

General Assembly

  • EGU 2019 General Assembly: abstract submission to open by 22 October

  • New abstract rules will be implemented at the next EGU General Assembly: stay tuned for more information, which will be available from the EGU website ( and the meeting website ( from late October

EGU General Assembly logo

Journal Watch

Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO)

Annales Geophysicae

The Ionospheric response over the UK to major bombing raids during World War II

Sporadic auroras near the geomagnetic equator: in the Philippines, on 27 October 1856

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

How well do stratospheric reanalyses reproduce high-resolution satellite temperature measurements?

Inverse modelling of CF4 and NF3 emissions in East Asia

The climate effects of increasing ocean albedo: an idealized representation of solar geoengineering

Radiative feedbacks of dust in snow over eastern Asia in CAM4-BAM

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Cleaning up our water: reducing interferences from nonhomogeneous freezing of “pure” water in droplet freezing assays of ice-nucleating particles

Biogeosciences (BG)


Potential for phenol biodegradation in cloud waters

Tracing water masses with 129I and 236U in the subpolar North Atlantic along the GEOTRACES GA01 section

Integrated management of a Swiss cropland is not sufficient to preserve its soil carbon pool in the long term

Climate of the Past (CP)

Climate of the Past

Wet avalanches: long-term evolution in the Western Alps under climate and human forcing

Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Earth System Dynamics

Diurnal land surface energy balance partitioning estimated from the thermodynamic limit of a cold heat engine

The Variable Infiltration Capacity model version 5 (VIC-5): infrastructure improvements for new applications and reproducibility

The point of no return for climate action: effects of climate uncertainty and risk tolerance

Population exposure to droughts in China under the 1.5ºC global warming target

Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)

Geoscientific Model Development

sympl (v. 0.4.0) and climt (v. 0.15.3) – towards a flexible framework for building model hierarchies in Python

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Global 5 km resolution estimates of secondary evaporation including irrigation through satellite data assimilation

Speculations on the application of foliar 13C discrimination to reveal groundwater dependency of vegetation and provide estimates of root depth and rates of groundwater use

Ocean Science (OS)

Ocean Science

World Ocean Circulation Experiment – Argo Global Hydrographic Climatology

Technical note: Two types of absolute dynamic ocean topography

The Cryosphere (TC)

The Cryosphere

Satellite-derived sea ice export and its impact on Arctic ice mass balance

Stopping the flood: could we use targeted geoengineering to mitigate sea level rise?

Mechanisms leading to the 2016 giant twin glacier collapses, Aru Range, Tibet 

Promising Oldest Ice sites in East Antarctica based on thermodynamical modelling

Other papers highlighted by the editors of EGU open access journals are available online.

EGU Blogs

GeoLog, the EGU blog

EGU division blogs

More posts from the EGU blogs are available at

EGU Science for Policy
Discover EGU's Science for Policy resources & sign up to our database of expertise to help integrate science in the policy-making process
EGU Meetings Calendar
EGU Jobs Portal
Early Career Scientists website
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