On the ice-nucleating potential of warm hydrometeors in mixed-phase clouds Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-21-561-2021 3 February 2021 The question as to whether or not the presence of warm hydrometeors in clouds mayplay a significant role in the nucleation of new ice particles has been debatedfor several decades. While the early works of and indicated that it might be irrelevant, the more recentstudy of suggested otherwise. In this work, weattempt to quantify the ice-nucleating potential using high-fidelity flowsimulation techniques around a single hydrometeor and use favorable considerationsto upscale the effects to a collective of ice particles in clouds. While we find that ice nucleationmay be significantly enhanced in the vicinity of a warm hydrometeorand that the affected volume of air is much larger than previously estimated, it isunlikely that this effect alone causes the rapidenhancement of ice nucleation observed in some types of clouds, mainly due to the lowinitial volumetric ice concentration. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the excess nucleationrate does not primarily depend on the rate at which cloud volume is sampled by the meteors’wakes but is rather limited by the exposure time of ice-nucleating particles to the wake,which is estimated to be of the order of few microseconds. It is suggested to further investigatethis phenomenon by tracking the trajectories of ice-nucleating particles in order to obtaina parametrization which can be implemented into existing cloud models to investigate second-order effectssuch as ice enhancement after the onset of glaciation. Read more
Stratospheric aerosol layer perturbation caused by the 2019 Raikoke and Ulawun eruptions and their radiative forcing Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics DOI 10.5194/acp-21-535-2021 2 February 2021 In June 2019 a stratospheric eruption occurred at Raikoke (48∘ N,153∘ E). Satellite observations show the injection of ash and SO2 into the lower stratosphere and an early entrainment of the plume into a cyclone. Following the Raikoke eruption, stratospheric aerosol optical depth (sAOD) values increased in the whole Northern Hemisphere and tropics and remained enhanced for more than 1 year, with peak values at 0.040 (short-wavelength, high northern latitudes) to 0.025 (short-wavelength, Northern Hemisphere average). Discrepancies between observations and global model simulations indicate that ash may have influenced the extent and evolution of the sAOD. Top of the atmosphere radiative forcings are estimated at values between -0.3 and -0.4Wm-2 (clear-sky) and of -0.1 to -0.2Wm-2 (all-sky), comparable to what was estimated for the Sarychev eruption in 2009. Almost simultaneously two significantly smaller stratospheric eruptions occurred at Ulawun (5∘ S, 151∘ E) in June and August. Aerosol enhancements from the Ulawun eruptions mainly had an impact on the tropics and Southern Hemisphere. The Ulawun plume circled the Earth within 1 month in the tropics. Peak shorter-wavelength sAOD values at 0.01 are found in the tropics following the Ulawun eruptions and a radiative forcing not exceeding -0.15 (clear-sky) and -0.05 (all-sky). Compared to the Canadian fires (2017), Ambae eruption (2018), Ulawun (2019) and the Australian fires (2019/2020), the highest sAOD and radiative forcing values are found for the Raikoke eruption. Read more
Fire and vegetation dynamics in northwest Siberia during the last 60 years based on high-resolution remote sensing Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-18-207-2021 1 February 2021 The rapidly warming Arctic undergoes transitions that can influence global carbon balance. One of the key processes is the shift towards vegetation types with higher biomass underlining a stronger carbon sink. The shift is predicted by bioclimatic models based on abiotic climatic factors, but it is not always confirmed with observations. Recent studies highlight the role of disturbances in the shift. Here we use high-resolution remote sensing to study the process of transition from tundra to forest and its connection to wildfires in the 20 000 km2 area in northwest Siberia. Overall, 40 % of the study area was burned during a 60-year period. Three-quarters of the burned areas were dry tundra. About 10 % of the study area experienced two–three fires with an interval of 15–60 years suggesting a shorter fire return interval than that reported earlier for the northern areas of central Siberia (130–350 years). Based on our results, the shift in vegetation (within the 60-year period) occurred in 40 %–85 % of the burned territories. All fire-affected territories were flat; therefore no effect of topography was detected. Oppositely, in the undisturbed areas, a transition of vegetation was observed only in 6 %–15 % of the territories, characterized by steeper topographic slopes. Our results suggest a strong role of disturbances in the tree advance in northwest Siberia. Read more
Millennial-age glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in forested mineral soils: 14C-based evidence for stabilization of microbial necromass Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-18-189-2021 29 January 2021 Understanding controls on the persistence of soil organic matter (SOM) is essential to constrain its role in the carbon cycle and inform climate–carbon cycle model predictions. Emerging concepts regarding the formation and turnover of SOM imply that it is mainly comprised of mineral-stabilized microbial products and residues; however, direct evidence in support of this concept remains limited. Here, we introduce and test a method for the isolation of isoprenoid and branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) – diagnostic membrane lipids of archaea and bacteria, respectively – for subsequent natural abundance radiocarbon analysis. The method is applied to depth profiles from two Swiss pre-Alpine forested soils. We find that the Δ14C values of these microbial markers markedly decrease with increasing soil depth, indicating turnover times of millennia in mineral subsoils. The contrasting metabolisms of the GDGT-producing microorganisms indicates it is unlikely that the low Δ14C values of these membrane lipids reflect heterotrophic acquisition of 14C-depleted carbon. We therefore attribute the 14C-depleted signatures of GDGTs to their physical protection through association with mineral surfaces. These findings thus provide strong evidence for the presence of stabilized microbial necromass in forested mineral soils. Read more
Increased carbon capture by a silicate-treated forested watershed affected by acid deposition Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-18-169-2021 28 January 2021 Meeting internationally agreed-upon climate targets requirescarbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies coupled with an urgent phase-down offossil fuel emissions. However, the efficacy and wider impacts of CDR arepoorly understood. Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a land-based CDRstrategy requiring large-scale field trials. Here we show that a low 3.44 t ha-1 wollastonite treatment in an 11.8 ha acid-rain-impacted forested watershed in New Hampshire, USA, led to cumulative carbon capture by carbonic acid weathering of 0.025–0.13 t CO2 ha-1 over 15 years. Despite a 0.8–2.4 t CO2 ha-1 logistical carbon penalty from mining,grinding, transportation, and spreading, by 2015 weathering together withincreased forest productivity led to net CDR of 8.5–11.5 t CO2 ha-1. Our results demonstrate that ERW may be an effective, scalableCDR strategy for acid-impacted forests but at large scales requiressustainable sources of silicate rock dust. Read more
Intercomparison of freshwater fluxes over ocean and investigations into water budget closure Hydrology and Earth System Sciences DOI 10.5194/hess-25-121-2021 27 January 2021 The net exchange of water between the surface and atmosphere is mainly determined by the freshwater flux: the difference between evaporation ( E ) and precipitation ( P ), or E−P . Although there is consensus among modelers that with a warming climate E−P will increase, evidence from satellite data is still not conclusive, mainly due to sensor calibration issues. We here investigate the degree of correspondence among six recent satellite-based climate data records and ERA5 reanalysis E−P data. Read more
Evaluating the dependence structure of compound precipitation and wind speed extremes Earth System Dynamics DOI 10.5194/esd-12-1-2021 26 January 2021 Compound extremes such as heavy precipitation and extreme winds can lead to large damage. To date it is unclear how well climate models represent such compound extremes. Here we present a new measure to assess differences in the dependence structure of bivariate extremes. This measure is applied to assess differences in the dependence of compound precipitation and wind extremes between three model simulations and one reanalysis dataset in a domain in central Europe. Read more
Glider-based observations of CO2 in the Labrador Sea Ocean Science DOI 10.5194/os-17-1-2021 25 January 2021 This paper describes challenges around the direct measurement of CO 2 in the ocean using ocean gliders. We discuss our method of using multiple sensor platforms as test beds to carry out observing experiments and highlight the implications of our study for future glider missions. We also show high-resolution measurements and discuss challenges and lessons learned in the context of future ocean gas measurements. Read more
Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Argo detect under-ice phytoplankton growth before sea ice retreat Biogeosciences DOI 10.5194/bg-18-25-2021 22 January 2021 This paper examines the question of what causes the rapid spring growth of microscopic marine algae (phytoplankton) in the ice-covered ocean surrounding Antarctica. One prominent hypothesis proposes that the melting of sea ice is the primary cause, while our results suggest that this is only part of the explanation. In particular, we show that phytoplankton are able to start growing before the sea ice melts appreciably, much earlier than previously thought. Read more
Plateaus and jumps in the atmospheric radiocarbon record – potential origin and value as global age markers for glacial-to-deglacial paleoceanography, a synthesis Climate of the Past DOI 10.5194/cp-16-2547-2020 21 January 2021 The dating technique of 14 C plateau tuning uses U/Th-based model ages, refinements of the Lake Suigetsu age scale, and the link of surface ocean carbon to the globally mixed atmosphere as basis of age correlation. Our synthesis employs data of 20 sediment cores from the global ocean and offers a coherent picture of global ocean circulation evolving over glacial-to-deglacial times on semi-millennial scales to be compared with climate records stored in marine sediments, ice cores, and speleothems. Read more