Become an EGU member or renew your membership! 19 December 2017 The EGU is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. Membership is open to individuals who subscribe to the objectives of the EGU and who are professionally engaged in or associated with either the geosciences, planetary and space sciences, or related studies. Membership is affordable and provides a number of benefits. Read more
New EGU website launched 18 December 2017 The online home of the European Geosciences Union,, has a new and improved look. The new website has a more modern, image-based layout and a fully responsive page design. Read more
Submit your abstract and register for the EGU 2018 General Assembly 18 December 2017 The EGU 2018 General Assembly (8–13 April, Vienna, Austria) will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Read more
EGU General Assembly to stay in Vienna until 2024 12 December 2017 The EGU General Assembly, the largest geoscience meeting in Europe, will take place at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) for the next seven years. Read more
EGU journal processing charges to increase slightly in 2018 to compensate for inflation 11 December 2017 From 1 January 2018, the article processing charges (APCs) for all EGU journals will increase by 3%, following an EGU Council decision in October. In addition to covering the costs of the review process, typesetting, web publication and long-term archiving for existing journals, funds generated from the APCs also help support the launch of new EGU journals, allow EGU to offer financial support to authors unable to pay the APCs, and contribute to cover part of the EGU running costs. Read more
Annales Geophysicae to become an interactive journal 7 December 2017 Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO), published through Copernicus Publications, will transition into an interactive journal over the next few weeks. From 2018 on, all new submissions will undergo a two-stage process involving the scientific discussion forum ANGEO Discussions as the first stage and a final revised journal article publication in ANGEO as the second stage. The change means all 16 of EGU’s thematic journals (i.e., all but Advances in Geosciences, EGU’s journal for conference proceedings) will be interactive publications with public peer review. Read more
EGU 2018 General Assembly media advisory 1 – Media registration now open Press release 4 December 2017 The 2018 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) provides an opportunity for journalists to hear about the latest research in the Earth, planetary and space sciences, and to talk to scientists from all over the world. The meeting, the largest geosciences conference in Europe, brings together over 13,000 researchers and is taking place in Vienna, Austria, from 8 to 13 April.. Read more
EGU Galileo Conference programme: call for proposals 1 December 2017 The EGU is now accepting proposals for Galileo Conferences, which aim to address well-focused cutting-edge topics at the frontier of geosciences research. The conferences are informal: the state-of-the-art is outlined in keynote talks designed to trigger in-depth discussion of important aspects of the conference topic. EGU members can propose to organise a Galileo Conference and apply for funding by the end of February 2018. Read more
Results of the EGU autumn 2017 elections 1 December 2017 The results of the EGU elections for the next EGU President, General Secretary and Division Presidents are now available on the elections page of this website. Alberto Montanari was elected as EGU President, while Håkan Svedhem was reelected General Secretary. Half of the (re)elected EGU Division Presidents are women. Read more
Agung volcanic eruption: what’s going on in Indonesia 29 November 2017 After ongoing unrest at Agung, Indonesia, in late summer and early autumn, the volcano has recently begun a strong ash venting process, with incandescence visible at night in the summit. The EGU GMPV Division provides an update on the eruption. Read more