Boris J.P. Kaus 2011 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists The 2011 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists is awarded to Boris J.P. Kaus for his contribution to the understanding of geodynamical processes over a wide range of scales from crystal mushes to the lithosphere and mantle. Read more
Bradford Hager 2011 Augustus Love Medal The 2011 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to Bradford Hager for his outstanding contributions in modelling the geoid and large-scale mantle flow, and for his pioneering application of space-geodetic techniques to problems in tectonics. Read more
Robert Myhill 2011 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award The 2011 Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Award is awarded to Robert Myhill Earthquake distributions and their relationship with structural, chemical and thermobaric heterogeneities in subducting slabs Read more
Elco Luijendijk 2010 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award The 2010 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award is awarded to Elco Luijendijk The effect of topography driven groundwater flow on deep subsurface temperatures in the Roer Velley Graben (southern Netherlands) Read more
Elizabeth Day 2010 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award The 2010 Young Scientist Outstanding Poster Paper (YSOPP) Award is awarded to Elizabeth Day P’P’ and PP precursor observations of the 660 km seismic discontinuity Read more
Philip England 2010 Augustus Love Medal The 2010 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to Philip England for his outstanding contributions to the field of large-scale continental deformation. Read more
Ulrich R. Christensen 2009 Augustus Love Medal The 2009 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to Ulrich R. Christensen for his fundamental contributions to geodynamics through studies of sub-solidus and the mantles of other terrestrial planets and rotating convection and magneto-convection aimed at probing the planetary interiors throughout the solar system. Read more
Richard J. O'Connell 2008 Augustus Love Medal The 2008 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to Richard J. O'Connell for his fundamental and enduring contributions to geodynamics through studies of post-glacial rebound, mantle convection, Earth rotation and the properties of composite and cracked solids. Read more
David Gubbins 2007 Augustus Love Medal The 2007 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to David Gubbins for his seminal contributions to our understanding of deep Earth processes and dynamics, with particular emphasis on the physics of the Earth’s core and magnetic field generation. Read more
Jerry X. Mitrovica 2006 Augustus Love Medal The 2006 Augustus Love Medal is awarded to Jerry X. Mitrovica for his astute contributions to understanding the Earth’s dynamical response to external and internal forces, including glacial unloading, mantle viscosity and composition, sedimentary basin formation, sea level variations and Earth’s rotation. Read more