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Webinar Vlog your research abstract Mon, 9 May 2022 12:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

Vlog your research abstract

Vlogs are a powerful way to communicate scientific research to broad audiences, through their ability to combine audiovisuals, storytelling, and the relatable ‘human face’ behind the science. Creating video content can be daunting for many scientists, especially those unfamiliar with stepping across the art-science divide. In this short course, we will explore the ingredients of effective vlogs and the practicalities of storyboarding and filming. By the end of the workshop you will have all the tools and inspiration to create your own vlog!

Our interdisciplinary team includes:

Roland Postma – Geographer, storyteller and professional video-maker, director and editor. Roland has worked with a range of media providers including Dutch national television and private companies, as well as freelance, providing training courses in video making and storytelling.

Emanuele Fantini – lecturer in Water Governance at the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education with research interests in visual methods for water communication. Emanuele has extensive experience working with journalists and science communicators to engage audiences beyond academia.

Juliette Cortes Areval – lecturer at the Technology Policy and Management Faculty of the TUDelft with research interests in science communication and collaborative management. Juliette’s work involves community engagement in order to exchange scientific ideas and inspire broader audiences.

Kathryn Adamson – lecturer in Physical Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University with research interests in Quaternary Science and science communication. Kathryn works closely with journalists and schools to disseminate scientific knowledge to broad public audiences.

You can view the online event here (Youtube).

If you have any questions about ‘Vlog your research abstract’, please contact us via