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1st Joint Campfire: CL & BG Divisions

Campfire 1st joint campfire of the Climate & Biogeoscience Divisions - The Clash of Proxies Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:00 CET

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European Geosciences Union

1st joint campfire of the Climate & Biogeoscience Divisions - The Clash of Proxies

Join us in an informal meeting discussing your favourite climate and biogeochemical proxy! Four invited speakers will present their proxy related research and afterwards we will discuss which one is the best proxy for You! Come and meet fellow researchers for this first edition of the CL & BG campfire!

Confirmed speakers are:
Dr. Antonio García-Alix (University of Granada, ES) talking about lipid biomarkers,
Dr. Ola Kwiecien (Northumbria University, UK) presenting lacustrine carbonates,
Dr. Nguyen Tan Thai Hung (Columbia University, USA) talking about tree rings,
Dr. Tamara Trofimova (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway) talking about mollusks and coralline algae.

Please register in advance for this meeting.

The link to the flyer for this event can be found here:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you have any questions about the BG & CL campfire event, please contact or!

If you want to learn more about the divisions, please visit the Division homepages:
- BG Division:
- CL Division:

If you have any questions about the ‘1st joint campfire of the Climate & Biogeoscience Divisions - The Clash of Proxies’ webinar, please contact us via