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Webinar Careers outside of academia Wed, 24 Jun 2020 16:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

Careers outside of academia

Up to 70% of scientists will transition to careers outside of academia after their PhD. Transferable scientific skills and knowledge are becoming progressively valued in non-academic job sectors. However, navigating job opportunities and transitioning to different career paths can be difficult. This webinar will focus on the career paths of four scientists, from a background of science areas, who are working in non-academic sectors. The panelists will talk about their journey in finding careers, tips for transitioning and what skills are particularly valuable to non-academic industries. There will be plenty of time for questions from the audience.

- Dr Liam Brannigan: a senior data scientist at a start-up in Belfast called Analytics Engines. His PhD was in ocean sciences and he did a number of postdocs before his current job.
- Dr Robin Andrews: a freelance science journalist. His PhD was in volcanology and his journalism focuses on volcanoes, earthquakes and planetary science.
- Dr Ashleigh Massam: a process architect for JBA Risk Management. Her role includes research and development, data analysis and hydraulic modelling. Her PhD was in cryosphere and ice core modelling.
- Dr Carly Matis: a physics teacher and researcher as part of the Researchers in Schools programme. Her PhD was in atmospheric science and meteorology.

This webinar will last approximately 30 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for questions from participants. More information regarding the theme and speakers of this webinar will be released shortly. Please register for the webinar here:

You can view the webinar here (Youtube).

If you have any questions about the ‘Careers outside of academia’ webinar, please contact us via