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Webinar Meet the Editors Wed, 13 Oct 2021 16:00 CEST

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European Geosciences Union

Meet the Editors

Publishing papers might be a crucial part of science, but it can be daunting. Whether you are writing your first draft, or perfecting your 10th , there can still be uncertainties about what the publishing process has in store. The EGU journals are fully open access, which means that both the reviewer comments and the pre-print is open for the public to read. Whilst this is becoming more common, it can still raise questions about what this means in terms of copyright, the reviewing process and citing the discussion phase. In this webinar, you will hear from several editors at the EGU journals about the publishing process – from
submission to acceptance. They will also give their top tips for a successful publication and advise on topics including cover letters, responding to criticisms and how to get involved in reviewing and editing. This webinar is aimed at any career level, but will be especially useful for first time writers, early career scientists and those with an interest in reviewing and editing for EGU journals.

- Dr Ge Peng (ESSD chief editor)
- Dr Juliane Dannberg (Solid earth editor and ECS)
- Dr Georgina King (Geochronology editor)

The session will then be moderated by two of the male members of the convener team, TJ Young and Aayush Srivastava.

You can view the webinar here (Youtube).

If you have any questions about the ‘Meet the Editors’ webinar, please contact us via