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Campfire SSS Division Campfire: Gender Equity Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:00 CET

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European Geosciences Union

SSS Division Campfire: Gender Equity

Dear soil scientists, we are more than happy to announce the 2nd edition of the Soil System Sciences Division’s Campfire event. The idea of our campfire events is bring together early career scientists in these challenging times when other ways of meeting each other is difficult. This time following up on our recent blog post, we will discuss gender equity in (soil) science. After a general introduction, attendees will be randomly divided into room chats where they will meet and introduce one another; discuss their opinions on a selected question related to gender bias, mentorship and/or academic career; and discuss what can early career scientists as individuals as well as our Division do to further promote gender equity.

Date: 25th March, 19:00 CET

For more information contact: Olga Vindušková (, Layla M. San Emeterio (, Dan Evans (

Register here:

If you have any questions about the ‘SSS Division Campfire: Gender Equity’ webinar, please contact us via