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Campfire SSS Division Campfire: New Year’s Reso(i)lutions for 2021 Thu, 4 Feb 2021 19:00 CET

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SSS Division Campfire: New Year’s Reso(i)lutions for 2021

Happy New Year, Soil Scientists!

This is the 1st edition of the Soil System Sciences division’s Campfire events that will be held during 2021. We believe that, in light of the global COVID-19 situation and resulting lockdown, we must strengthen communication between members of our division, especially towards ECS.

Hence, we aim to bring forward diverse “soil resolutions”, to gather all concerns and ideas from diverse soil disciplines in the spotlight. Attendees will be randomly divided into room chats where they will meet and introduce one another; discuss one personal reso(i)lution each for 2021; and identify one reso(i)lution that ALL soil scientists/soil science as a discipline should keep in 2021. Finally, a general discussion among all participants will be held.

The session will last about an hour and attendance is only by registration. You can register here:

Looking forward to meeting you all!

Contact person: Dan Evans (, Olga Vindušková ( and Layla M. San Emeterio (

If you have any questions about the ‘SSS Division Campfire: New Year’s Reso(i)lutions for 2021’ webinar, please contact us via