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Campfire EMRP Campfire: Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics across the scales: how can we link laboratory measurements and field observations? Tue, 16 Jan 2024 14:00 CET

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European Geosciences Union

EMRP Campfire: Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics across the scales: how can we link laboratory measurements and field observations?

We all welcome you to our 1st EGU EMRP Campfire! The EMRP EGU Campfire Events give early career researchers the chance to talk about their work. We will have time for separate discussions and networking after the presentations.

Join us on Zoom on January 16th from 2 to 3:30 pm (CEST)!

We will listen to two exciting talks by:

Lucas Pimienta (@Unil, Lausanne) – Poromechanical constants (or not-so-constant) in rocks, what should be used at the lab or field scale?

Either for applications of modelling, lab or field scale experiments, when studying rock fracturing promoted by fluids over-pressures, one needs the precise knowledge of rocks poromechanics constants of the relevant fluid-saturated rocks at depth. These constants could be either assumed from past knowledge, inferred from other properties, or directly measured. However, even in case of that directly measured, all such considerations expect “constants” in rocks. Here, we will discuss on that conception, in the case of the rocks considered as simpler such as quartz-clean sandstones or westerly granite. Two aspects will be mostly discussed, of effective stress conditions and the case of strain and pressurization rates.

Rosa de Boer and Martha Kosters (@Utrecht University, Netherlands) – Field-scale vs lab-scale: a case study for paleomagnetism.

Rosa de Boer (PhD Fort Hoofddijk) and Martha Kosters (PhD Fort Hoofddijk) are part of a team working on developing a new method (Micromagnetic Tomography) to determine paleomagnetic directions and intensities from rocks. Why some rocks fail classic paleomagnetic experiments is enigmatic: are they too heterogeneous? Do they not contain magnetic grains? Was the field strength too weak to be emplaced at the time of creation? We move from field-sized situations (lava flows) to samples (1-inch diameter cores) to MMT samples: 1.2 mm diameter cores from a thin section. How do we link our results on a microscale to the Earth’s Magnetic Field?

Please register for the campfire. The registration link will circulate on our mailing list ( or will be available by contacting

We are looking for speakers for the next EMRP EGU Campfire Events. Are you interested in giving a talk, then please express your interest by filling out the form:

If you have any questions about the ‘EMRP Campfire: Earth Magnetism and Rock Physics across the scales: how can we link laboratory measurements and field observations?’ webinar, please contact us via