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Webinar One study, four presentations: how to share your research in any conference format! Thu, 9 Mar 2023 13:00 CET

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European Geosciences Union

One study, four presentations: how to share your research in any conference format!

How do you make sure your presentation fits the format? How is preparing for a 2-minute talk different to a 10-minute talk? What should be the focus of a poster, compared to supporting materials?

In this webinar, researcher and graphic designer Fabio Crameri and scientists Maria-Helena Ramos share the key tips for creating a powerful and effective presentation over four key formats. Using a single study, the speakers will share how your research should be communicated through four different presentation styles: 2-minute talks, 10-minute talks, posters, and supporting material.

The webinar will last one hour, with approximately 40 minutes for presentations and 20 minutes for audience Q&A.

Fabio Crameri produces freelance research and science-related graphic design, and gives masterclasses in science communication. One of his current projects is “’”, the open-access and community-reviewed sharing platform for science-grade graphics.

Maria-Helena Ramos is a research scientist in hydrology at INRAE in France. Her research focuses on flood and drought forecasting, and on the use of probabilistic predictions to inform decision making in water resources management. She is currently the president of the EGU Division on Hydrological Sciences and Co-chair of the Programme Committee for the EGU23 General Assembly.

You can view the online event here (Youtube).

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