Tasks and responsibilities of division officers
The scientific activities of the European Geosciences Union are organised through divisions encompassing all studies of the Earth and its environment and of the solar system in general. The management and administration of each division are the collective responsibility of the respective officers. It is the task and responsibility of each officer to:
- Provide, by appropriate liaison, a programme and a list of active conveners of their subdivision for inclusion in the scientific programme of the General Assembly of the Union. The scientific programme of a General Assembly consists of the individual programmes of the various divisions which, in turn, include the programmes of the individual subdivisions. Thereby, symposia/meetings sponsored by two or several divisions/subdivisions are strongly encouraged. Each subdivision programme should include an open/review session, several symposia of interest to a larger audience, as well as a number of timely meetings or workshops. Moreover, the overall programme should be well balanced to provide an opportunity to any scientist working in a discipline encompassed by the Union to attend the General Assembly.
- Take an active part in the publications of the Union by contributing personally to the EGU journals and book series and by serving as editor and/or referee in order to increase the standards of these publications.
- Contribute actively to the webpages of the Union, including the division website, and to pass any news or information, job adverts, announcements of opportunity or meetings, reports of European collaborative projects or funding or any other item that may be of general interest to the EGU Media and Communications Manager.
- Organise or support/encourage the organisation of EGU topical conferences or workshops to be co-ordinated by the EGU office wherever appropriate;
- Support the outreach and educational activities of the Union; and
- Take an active part in the affairs of their division and to
- ensure that all subjects within the ambit of their division are well represented;
- propose appropriate candidates for election or nomination to vacancies on the Council or division;
- revise the status of the publications of the Union;
- participate actively in the running and the promotion of the publications of the Union;
- propose candidates for the Union and division awards and medals, and follow the activity of the corresponding medal committees;
- serve as member in election and nomination committees;
- and participate actively in the open meeting of their division held annually at each General Assembly of the Union.