How is EGU structured?
The EGU is a bottom-up organisation structured in scientific divisions, committees, and a council. The Union Council consists of the members of the Executive Board (president, vice-president, treasurer, general secretary, and executive secretary), the committee chairs, the division presidents, and the Union-level early career scientists representative.
There are nine committees, which have administrative functions, and 22 scientific divisions, responsible for scientific activities related to the Earth, planetary and space sciences. Overall management and control of the Union rests in the hands of the elected Council (chaired by the president), which meets at least twice a year. The executive secretary and the chairs of the committees are nominated by, and are ex-officio members of, the Council.
The EGU Executive Office is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Union, under the guidance of the Council, and provides overall assistance to all the officers involved in the organisation of the EGU.
EGU members can provide input, ideas and feedback to the EGU, as well as have a more active role in the Union through voting in EGU elections and standing for positions in Council. Members can also be invited to hold positions in the various committees and divisions of the EGU.
Past and future development of the Union is presented, every year, to all members who participate at the General Assembly Plenary Meeting, which is chaired by the president and counts with the participation of all Council members. Among others, this session includes a welcome presentation and report by the president, a report by the treasurer about the fiscal calendar year, a discharge of the Executive Board, an inauguration of new Council members and a presentation of the upcoming autumn elections.