President | Anezina Solomonidou |
Deputy President | Joana S. Oliveira Email |
Programme Group Chairs | Anezina Solomonidou |
Joana S. Oliveira Email | |
Science Officers | Tim Lichtenberg Email Astrobiology |
Emeline Bolmont Email Exoplanets | |
Panayotis Lavvas Email Outer Planets | |
Tristan Guillot Email Outer Planets | |
Chrysa Avdellidou Email Small Bodies (dwarf planets, asteroids, comets) to Dust | |
Moa Persson Email Space weather and space weathering | |
Franck Montmessin Email Terrestrial Planets | |
Joana S. Oliveira Email Terrestrial Planets | |
OSPP Co-ordinator | Lena Noack Email |
ECS Representative | Georgia Moutsiana |
ECS Co-Representative | Praveen Kumar Basuvaraj Email |
Awards & medals committees
David Bates Medal | |
Committee chair | Tristan Guillot |
Committee members | Beatriz Sanchez-Cano |
Chrysa Avdellidou | |
Franck Montmessin | |
Sébastien Charnoz |
Runcorn-Florensky Medal (inactive for the 2025 call) | |
Committee chair | Tristan Guillot |
Committee members | Beatriz Sanchez-Cano |
Chrysa Avdellidou | |
Franck Montmessin | |
Sébastien Charnoz |
Jean Dominique Cassini Medal | |
Committee chair | Rosaly Lopes |
Committee members | Anders Johansen |
Janet Luhmann | |
Rumi Nakamura | |
Sara Russell | |
Veronique Dehant |
Journal editors
Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO) | |
Executive editors | Christoph Jacobi |
Ingrid Mann | |
Ioannis A. Daglis |
Programme groups
Terrestrial planets
The Terrestrial planets group covers the terrestrial planets of our solar system, their environment, and their moons. The scientific questions focus on the processes that take place from their interior to their magnetosphere, via their surface, their atmosphere, and their exosphere, considering also their evolution and the way they shaped these bodies as they are now. Observational, instrumental, experimental, modelling and theoretical methods are key tools for this research. Synergies are expected with other areas of the EGU in Earth and solar sciences and techniques.
Outer Planets System
The outer planets group addresses the systems, as a whole, of Giant planets and Pluto. The scope is broad, ranging from planetary and satellite interiors to physics and chemistry of their atmospheres, to atmospheric escape and interaction with magnetospheres and rings, as well as, interactions among the different system components. The theme is open to contributions from observational, experimental, computational and theoretical investigations on these topics.
Small bodies: asteroids, comets, TNOs, meteors, and interplanetary dust
The small bodies group covers all the minor objects in the solar system in all heliocentric distances. The scope is broad, covering the physical properties of small bodies, their formation and evolution paths, as well as the different processes that act on them throughout the history of the solar system. Moreover, we would like to emphasize the links among them, and the links between the small bodies and meteorites. The theme welcomes contributions from theoretical, observational, experimental studies, and remote sensing studies.
Space weather and space weathering
The space weather and space weathering theme deal with topics related to the interaction between the solar/stellar winds or high energy particles with different objects in our Heliosphere or in other solar systems. This may include, but is not limited to, interactions with magnetised giant planets, the atmospheres and ionospheres of terrestrial (un-)magnetised planets and comets, or the surfaces of the atmosphere-less (exo-)planets, moons and asteroids. The theme also welcomes any contributions related to comparative planetology of the plasma interactions associated with solar system objects within the Heliosphere or in other solar systems.
Exoplanets and Origins and evolution of Planetary Systems
The Exoplanets and Origins and Evolution of Planetary Systems theme explores the fascinating realm of exoplanets and delves into the intricate processes behind the formation and evolution of such diverse planetary systems. Featuring cutting-edge research and insights this theme will cover in its sessions the latest discoveries in exoplanet detection, and characterization of both their interior and their atmospheres. Discussions will highlight the formation mechanisms of planetary systems and the evolutionary pathways (including the influence of stellar environments) that lead to diverse planets and planetary architectures.
Life in the cosmos: Astrobiology and Planetary habitability
The Astrobiology theme encompasses studies of the origin and evolution of life in the universe. This includes investigating processes which favour the development and sustainment of life (e.g. the presence of liquid water, the availability of energy and nutrients etc.) in the Solar System and exoplanetary systems, the study of the origin of prebiotic chemistry and their environment (e.g. the oxidation state and redox evolution of surfaces, the prebiotic potential of planetary atmospheres, or the evolution of prebiotic chemical networks). Finally, this section includes studies on the proliferation and evolution of primitive or complex life as we know it and life as we do not know it.
Planetary and Solar System exploration: Mission Support, Instruments, Observations, Applications, Analogues
This session delves into the multifaceted exploration of our planetary and solar system, focusing on the latest advancements and discoveries in mission support, instrumentation, observational techniques, applications, and analogues. Sessions submitted to this theme offer insights into the cutting-edge tools and methodologies that enable the detailed study of planetary bodies, moons, and other celestial objects.