Information for policymakers
The EGU has several activities that connect scientists and research with policymakers and support evidence-informed policy.
- Providing scientific evidence where and when it is needed. The EGU has an extensive database of scientists who are able to provide scientific evidence and answer technical questions within a short period of time via a fact sheet, policy brief, or event. EGU’s early science-policy publications focused on the EGU’s overarching policy-relevant areas (such as air pollution, climate, natural hazards and energy resources). However, incoming requests for scientific evidence will be handled through a co-creative process and provide specific information relevant to the upcoming policy or issue. If you would like scientific information on a specific policy area, please don’t hesitate to reach out via
- The EGU provides a summary of policy-relevant papers that have been published in one of the EGU's 19 open access journals. These publications focus on recent scientific studies that have implications or outcomes that may be of interest to policymakers.
- The EGU’s science-policy pairing scheme. The EGU sponsors an annual initiative that gives EGU members and MEPs the opportunity to work together. MEPs involved with the scheme host their selected candidate inside the EU Parliament for a week where they and their team can benefit from their expertise. If you’re an MEP who would like to be involved in this scheme, please reach out via
- The EGU publishes statements that are target toward or relevant for those working in policy. To subscribe to receive policy-relevant EGU updates and an invitation to our annual science for policy events, sign up here.