Tuija Pulkkinen

President of the European Geosciences Union
April 2009 – April 2011 -
Vice-President of the European Geosciences Union
April 2011 – April 2012; April 2008 – April 2009 -
President of the Division "Solar-Terrestrial Sciences" (ST) of the European Geosciences Union
April 2005 – April 2008
Tuija Pulkkinen got her PhD degree at the University of Helsinki in 1992. She is currently a research professor in space physics at the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), where she has worked since her graduate studies with the exception of extended visits to the US: Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland (1990,1992), University of Colorado (1996–1997), and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (2005–2006). At FMI, she has led the Space Research Unit and taught numerous students within the national graduate school for Astronomy and Space Physics.
Prof. Pulkkinen’s research interests concern the entire chain of processes that starts from the solar surface, propagate with the solar wind through the interplanetary space to the Earth’s space environment, the magnetosphere, ionosphere, and middle atmosphere. She has especially concentrated on energy flow from the solar wind to the near-Earth space environment and the energy dissipation processes in the magnetosphere. She has worked with data from multiple international space missions as well as from ground-based instrument networks monitoring the ionosphere. In recent years, she has been active in developing global space environment simulation tools especially concentrating on quantitative analysis of the simulation results. Her publication record includes over 160 peer-reviewed articles and several encyclopaedia articles.
Prof. Pulkkinen has been a member of the European Space Agency Solar System Working Group, and is currently a member of the Space Research Advisory Committee of the Swedish National Space Board and the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering of the Academy of Finland. She has been active at both AGU (several committee memberships) and EGU (ST division secretary and president, Annales Geophysicae editor). She has been the organizer, convener, or programme committee member of over 20 scientific meetings.
Tuija Pulkkinen has been granted the James B. Macelwane Medal and American Geophysical Union fellowship. She is a member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and an associate member of the Royal Astronomical Society.
April 2009