Bárbara Ferreira

EGU Fellow of the European Geosciences Union
September 2011 – September 2019
Bárbara Ferreira, a Portuguese citizen, started working at the EGU Executive Office in Munich, Germany, as EGU Media and Communications Officer in September 2011, being promoted to EGU Media and Communications Manager a couple of years later. She managed communications at EGU, including coordinating media-related and science communications between the Union and its membership, the working media, and the public at large. Her activities included producing EGU news items, press releases and the EGU newsletter, as well as managing the press office at the EGU General Assembly and coordinating all press activities at the conference. She also worked on Planet Press, an EGU educational project that brings geoscience news to children, parents and teachers.
Bárbara has also worked as a science writer specialising in astrophysics and space sciences, producing articles for the European Space Agency and others on a freelance basis. Before joining EGU, Bárbara worked as a public outreach assistant at the European Southern Observatory and as a freelance scientific editor. Prior to that, she was an assistant scientific adviser (on secondment from her PhD) at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology in London.
Bárbara’s background is in physics, mathematics and astronomy. She completed an undergraduate degree in astronomy from the University of Porto, Portugal, in 2005, and a masters in applied mathematics (Part III of the Mathematical Tripos) from the University of Cambridge, UK, in 2006. She has a PhD in mathematical astrophysics, also from the University of Cambridge. Her thesis, completed and defended in 2010, focused on the variability of black-hole accretion discs.