Arne Richter

Executive Secretary of the European Geosciences Union
April 2002 – April 2009
Dr. Arne K. Richter was a student in physics and mathematics at the University of Hamburg and attained a Diploma in Physics from the University of Hamburg in 1970. From 1970–1971 he was a Research Physicist and Scientific Staff member at the Institute for Pure and Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Kiel, Dr. rer. nat., University of Kiel, 1975, Scientific Staff member of the Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy 1975-2006, Founding Member and General Secretary of the Copernicus Gesellschaft e. V. since 1988, Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the European Geophysical Society 1988–2003, Founding Managing Director of, Meetings & Open Access Publications 2001–2007, Founding Co-Partner of the software-houseCopernicus Systems + Technology GmbH 2001-2010, Executive Secretary of the European Geosciences Union 2002-2010, Managing Director of Lindau Instruments GmbH 1988–89, European Director of the American Geophysical Union 1989-2001, President of the Soviet-German Eurokosmos-Group 1991–1999, and Director of the STAR Foundation 2000–2005 and of the Copernicus Foundation since 2000.
His main areas of research include statistical mechanics, kinetic and macroscopic theories of gases and plasmas, analysis and interpretation of plasma, magnetic field and low energetic particle data from the interplanetary medium and near planets and comets. Co-investigator of almost 20 space experiments, more than 150 scientific publications, reports and theoretical-experimental proposals and almost 200 papers presented as contributed/invited talks at several national and international meetings/colloquia. He provided guidance of students in mathematics and physics, supervision of students working on their diploma and PhD thesis, lecturing at the Technical University of Clausthal-Zellerfeld in meteorology, atmospheric chemistry and dynamics of the lower and upper atmosphere. His other activities include Member of several space mission study teams, of the Intermational Scienific and Technical Steering Committee of the VEGA Project, and of the International Scientific Council of the PHOBOS and MARS 94 Projects. Finally, he has been Executive Editor of “Physics and Chemistry of the Earth” and of “Advances in Geosciences”.
He served as Science Secretary of Section III (External Geophysics) and as Chairman of the Programme Committee of the annual General Assemblies of the European Geophysicsal Society since 1987. Organization of numerous national and international Workshops and Symposia. Elected member of the Directorial Board of the Institute for Pure and Applied Nuclear Physics, University of Kiel and of the Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy. Member of the Works Council (Betriebsrat) and of the Committee on Further Education as well as Chairman of the Computer Committee of the Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy, and Coordinator of Scientific Cooperation between the Max-Planck-Institute for Aeronomy and the Central Research Institute for Physics (Budapest) and the Space Research Institute (Moscow).
Dr. Richter is recipient of the Prize of Scholarship from the Carl-Christiansen-Gedaechtnis-Stiftung, 1967, and of the Atlas-Award of the European Geophysical Society, 2000, a Gagarin Medalist of the Cosmonautical Federation of the USSR, 1986, the recipient of the Diamond Service Award of the European Geosciences Union, 2010, the Patron of the “Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists” of the European Geosciences Union, since 2011,and an awarded member of the International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, 1994, the Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 1998, the Historical Society Who’s Who of Professionals, 2001, the Marquis Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 2002/2003, and the Madison Who’s Who of Executives and Professionals, 2005. His PhD thesis was entitles Wave-trains in the solar wind. III Alfven waves in the azimutually-dependent interplanetary medium, Astrophys Space Sci 36, 383, 1975.
Based on the International Who’s Who of Intellectuals, Eleventh Edition, Cambridge, UK, p. 412, 1995/96.