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Withered beauty of Badeb-e Surt (Credit: Maria Tsekhmistrenko, distributed via

Outreach Registration form for the EGU General Assembly mentoring programme

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European Geosciences Union

Registration form for the EGU General Assembly mentoring programme

Thank you for your interest in EGU’s General Assembly Mentoring Programme. We will match mentees and mentors on the basis of the information that you supply below. Once you are matched, together you will define your programme for during and possibly after the General Assembly. For more information, including suggestions for mentor-mentee activities and opportunities to meet, please refer to the mentoring programme page on the EGU website.

Please fill the following form and press "Submit". Fields marked with * are required.

Registration details

Registration details
For which role are you applying?
Mentors need to have attended at least two EGU General Assemblies in the past.
You can only apply to be a mentee if you have never attended the EGU General Assembly or have only attended it once.
e.g. institution, agency, or company
European languages spoken
Please select at least one EGU scientific division you are affiliated with. Using the values on the right, let us know how significantly each selected division most closely matches your scientific areas of study/work.

Please choose your research interests. Using the values on the right, let us know how significantly each matches your scientific areas of study/work.

Please provide a short description about yourself (between 100 and 1000 characters including spaces). E.g., What’s your background, how did you become interested in it, and what do you hope to achieve with this programme?

Please note that to participate in the EGU General Assembly mentoring programme, you need to register to attend the meeting.

Personal data

Your name and a valid email address are required to add your submission to our database. Please make sure to validate your entry (a link will be sent to the given email address) within 10 days, or your submission will be automatically deleted from our database.

All data provided will be used during the matching process and will only be shared with matching mentors/mentees and the EGU mentoring team responsible for the matching. We respect your privacy and will never share your personal details with any other third party. To improve the mentoring programme, we will store and analyse all submission data by 31 October of each year. After this date, your information will be removed from our database.

Personal data
The EGU needs your contact information to validate this database entry. In addition we may need to contact you about your submission. You can withdraw your consent and have your data deleted at any time, in accordance with our privacy policy.