EGU Newsletter: Monthly information service for members of the European Geosciences Union

Never stops to amaze me, by Andreas Kaiser. Find geoscience images (and upload yours!) at


Earlier in October, we announced the winners of the 2019 EGU awards and medals: 45 individuals who have made significant contributions to the Earth, planetary and space sciences and who will be honoured at the 2019 EGU General Assembly next April. We have also announced the winners of the Outstanding Student Poster and PICO (OSPP) Awards corresponding to the 2018 General Assembly, which you can find on our website. Congratulations to all!

This month, we also opened the call for abstracts for the EGU 2019 General Assembly. If you are interested in presenting your work in Vienna in April, make sure you submit your abstract by 10 January 2019, 13:00 CET. If you would like to apply for a Roland Schlich travel grant to attend the meeting, please submit your abstract no later than 1 December 2018. All 2019 EGU members will be able to submit abstracts to the 2019 meeting. With a few exceptions, only one abstract as a first author will be permitted. Please find more information on the EGU website.

In November, EGU 2018 members will have the opportunity to vote for the next EGU treasurer in the EGU Autumn elections. Check the elections page on our website for more information.


EGU News
General Assembly
Journal Watch
EGU Blogs

EGU News

More EGU news items are available on the EGU website.  

General Assembly

EGU General Assembly logo

Journal Watch

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP)

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Ice crystal number concentration estimates from lidar–radar satellite remote sensing – Part 1: Method and evaluation

Trends in China’s anthropogenic emissions since 2010 as the consequence of clean air actions

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT)

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

Mapping carbon monoxide pollution from space down to city scales with daily global coverage

Biogeosciences (BG)


Contrasting biosphere responses to hydrometeorological extremes: revisiting the 2010 western Russian heatwave

Reviews and syntheses: Carbon use efficiency from organisms to ecosystems – definitions, theories, and empirical evidence

Earth System Dynamics (ESD)

Earth System Dynamics

The climate of a retrograde rotating Earth

Geoscience Communication (GC)

Geoscience Communication

Building a Raspberry Pi school magnetometer network in the UK

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

Modelling the water balance of Lake Victoria (East Africa) – Part 1: Observational analysis

Modelling the water balance of Lake Victoria (East Africa) – Part 2: Future projections

The importance of small artificial water bodies as sources of methane emissions in Queensland, Australia

Why has catchment evaporation increased in the past 40 years? A data-based study in Austria

Solid Earth (SE)

Solid Earth

Oblique rifting: the rule, not the exception

GHOST: Geoscientific Hollow Sphere Tessellation

The Cryosphere (TC)

The Cryosphere

The internal structure of the Brunt Ice Shelf from ice-penetrating radar analysis and implications for ice shelf fracture

Other papers highlighted by the editors of EGU open access journals are available online.

EGU Blogs

GeoLog, the EGU blog

EGU network blogs

EGU division blogs

More posts from the EGU blogs are available at

EGU Science for Policy
Discover EGU's Science for Policy resources & sign up to our database of expertise to help integrate science in the policy-making process
EGU Meetings Calendar
EGU Jobs Portal
Early Career Scientists website
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