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Outside view of the new EGU Executive Office space (second floor) (Credit: B. Ferreira/EGU)

EGU news New chapter for EGU: announcing the Union’s strategic plan and office move

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European Geosciences Union

New chapter for EGU: announcing the Union’s strategic plan and office move

17 June 2019

Today the EGU has launched a new strategy to set a direction for the Union and guide the work of its Council, committees and staff until 2025.

Among the strategic priorities for EGU are the continued development of its General Assembly, to ensure it becomes even more relevant and attractive to the geoscience community, and of the EGU journals, to keep developing their recognition while continuing to promote the highest standards of scientific integrity and open science. Another key priority is to improve our communication with, and benefits to, EGU members, ensuring equality of opportunity and diversity within EGU and more broadly in the geosciences.

“The new strategy will further open the EGU doors to the community,” says EGU President Alberto Montanari. “As I recently mentioned, EGU is like a family. We would like the community working together to realise our vision of promoting Earth, planetary and space science research to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet.”

“EGU was formed from the merger of EUG and EGS in 2002 and many of the activities we undertake and the way we do them have grown organically, driven by the membership,” says EGU Vice-President Jonathan Bamber. “With the move to new offices and the opportunities this gives us to expand, it is the ideal time to review our practices, our goals and our strategy. This is the start of a very exciting chapter in the development of the Union.”

The EGU 2019–2025 strategy, including vision and strategic priorities for the next few years, is available at

As part of this new chapter of the Union, the EGU has also relocated its Executive Office this month. The EGU staff of seven has moved from the small office space within a Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität building it previously occupied in central Munich, to larger and more modern premises in Munich’s Berg am Laim area. This move will enable the team to continue to provide key services to EGU members and will support the growth of the Executive Office required to implement the new EGU strategy.

“The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität hosted the EGU Executive Office after its establishment in Munich in the summer 2010,” explains EGU Executive Secretary Philippe Courtial. “The move to new premises marks a milestone in the young EGU history and offers a great, new working environment and new perspectives to the EGU Office staff, and it will allow us to reach our strategic growth ambitions as well.”


Alberto Montanari
EGU President

Jonathan Bamber
EGU Vice-President

Philippe Courtial
EGU Executive Secretary

Bárbara Ferreira
EGU Media and Communications Manager
Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-2180-6703
Twitter: @EuroGeosciences


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