Apply for funds to run a training school or conference series in 2026
20 January 2025
The EGU Topical Events programme is dedicated to the pursuit of progress in all areas of the Earth, planetary and space sciences through the co-sponsoring of a number meetings, conferences and training events. EGU provide a range f funded options to engage with these more specialised events, paying special attention to the needs of early career researchers, and aim to help organisers achieve financial stability, visibility, and/or access to a larger target community with our support. All Topical Events funding for 2026 is now open for application by 16 May 2025.
EGU training schools, which can be run in a diverse range of subject specialisms and formats, offer Early Career Scientists specialist training opportunities that they normally don’t have access to at their home institutions. Funding for the training schools was increased in 2024, to an approximate amount of €6000.
The EGU Conference series’ encourage sustained dialogue within specialist research communities. Funding for the conference series’ has also increased to €8000 (with the possibility of some specialist costs allocated for the conference series). This year, all four conference series’ are open for application, they are:
- The Alexander von Humboldt Conferences are a series of meetings held outside of Europe, in particular in South America, Africa or Asia, on selected topics of geosciences with a socio-economic impact for regions on these continents, jointly organised with the scientists and their institutes and the institutions of these regions.
- Angioletta Coradini Conferences aim to promote novel and innovative research related to all aspects of space research, in particular chemical and physical processes and their interactions with the Sun, other host stars, the heliosphere and astrospheres with the planetary magnetospheres, atmospheres and climate.
- The Leonardo Conferences on Earth’s Hydrological Cycle focus on topical questions related to water and its interactions with environment and society, with particular attention for water resources management, flood risk mitigation and environmental protection. The conferences aim to bring together experienced and early career scientists and participant numbers are capped.
- Mary Anning Conferences aim to promote novel and innovative research related to biogeochemical cycles in the Earth system. The conferences intend to bring together experienced and early career scientists for an interdisciplinary discussion on all aspects of chemical, physical, and biological processes and their interactions in the atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere.
The Galileo Conferences address well-focused cutting-edge topics at the frontier of geosciences research. A limited number, typically about one hundred, internationally recognised scientists meet for 3 to 5 days to discuss and debate issues at the forefront of the discipline. The funding for the Galileo Conferences is up to €8000, providing support for Early Career Scientist participation, and web hosting.
Topical Events Committee chair Stephen Mojzsis said “The EGU Topical Events provide a diverse range of funding options for researchers who are looking to provide education and opportunities to share their research with their communities. These smaller, more specific events are a great way to access new ideas and share new methods with your community, in a more focused way than the annual General Assembly.”
To apply for funding to organise one of these events in 2026 please head to the information pages to check the requirements and benefits then submit your training school proposal, submit your conference series proposal or submit your Galileo conference proposal today!
The deadline for all applications is 16 May 2025, for more information and support, please contact Stephen Mojzsis, Chair of the Topical Events Committee:
Stephen Mojzsis
Topical Events Committee Chair
Jane Roussak
EGU Events Manager