Mixed media sculptor and illustrator chosen as artists in residence for the EGU25 General Assembly
16 January 2025
Liliane Burkhard a sculptural mixed media artist and planetary geologist from Switzerland and Annabelle Foster an illustrator and volcanologist from the UK have been selected for a residency at the next EGU General Assembly. The Artist in Residence programme offers scientist-artists an opportunity to engage with scientific research in a dynamic setting and be inspired by the many new discoveries being presented at the conference, which will take place in Vienna, Austria from 27 April – 2 May 2025.
Annabelle Foster (@Volcannabelle) is an illustrator, science communicator and volcanology researcher, with a particular focus on silicic lava formation. At the General Assembly she will be creating a large-scale, fantasy-style world map that represents the experiences and research presented at the General Assembly. The map will be constructed live during the week of the meeting and will also be available online in an interactive format; viewers will be able to hover over features on the map and be taken to a link of that scientist’s work. “I’ve been aware of the EGU Artist in Residence for several years now and I love that this position celebrates how art and science blend and complement each other. Since the start of my scientific career, I have enjoyed communicating both my and my peers’ research through illustrations, so I decided to apply and I’m very excited to have been selected!” Annabelle said upon being awarded the position. “During the meeting I will be merging my love for art, science and fantasy-style maps that often appear at the front of fictional books to aid worldbuilding. I intend to create a large-scale world map to provide a window into the science at EGU25, that extends beyond the research itself. I’ll be seeking contributions towards the map by attending oral and poster presentations, but mostly I’m looking for direct input – so please pop by my booth and say hello! I’ll also be running a workshop, ‘Scientific worldbuilding: create your own scientific fantasy map’ so that you can take your own map home showcasing your research.”
Liliane Burkhard (@liliyogini1) is a sculptural mixed media artist and planetary geologist, with experience spanning spacecraft imagery analysis, geologic mapping, scientific illustration and sculptural installations. At the General Assembly she will be using recycled posters left behind, or donated, after the poster sessions to create physical representations of ‘clouds’, which will capture the transient nature of research ideas, how they evolve, merge, stand alone, and sometimes dissipate, much like clouds in the sky. “I am deeply honored to be selected as an Artist in Residence for EGU25, where I can merge my passions for science and art in a meaningful way.” Liliane told us. “This residency provides me the opportunity to create a suspended installation that repurposes discarded conference posters into sculptural clouds, symbolizing the fleeting and transformative nature of ideas as they shift and evolve. During the General Assembly, I will be working on-site and invite attendees to stop by, share their thoughts, or even contribute to the process.” Liliane added, “You can also join me for an interactive short course where we will use the art of paper folding and sculpture to overcome creative blocks, spark fresh ideas, and explore the transformative connections between hands-on creativity and scientific innovation. I look forward to engaging with you and exploring the connections between art, science, and sustainability.”
EGU General Assembly participants will be able to see images of the artwork produced by artists via social media (using the hashtag #EGUart), on the EGU GeoLog blog and live at the conference centre. Find out more about the last few years’ Artists in and (not) in Residence by visiting our Youtube playlist and EGU’s GeoLog blogs.
Ira Didenkulova and Maria-Helena Ramos
EGU Programme Committee co-chairs
Email programme.committee@egu.eu
Jane Roussak
EGU Events Co-ordinator
Email meetings@egu.eu