Media registrations now open for the EGU General Assembly 2025
20 January 2025
The 2025 General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) will bring together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. It will be held from 27 April–2 May 2025 in a hybrid format both in Vienna and virtually. We are pleased to announce that media registration for the meeting is now available.
There are two types of registration available: on-site registration and virtual registration. Members of the media can expect several benefits including free registration for EGU25. Online participants will also have priority access to scientists presenting at press conferences, a media contact to assist with access to other scientists at the meeting and the ability to ask questions directly to researchers during the live streamed press conferences.
Members of the media, public information officers and science bloggers are now invited to register online for the meeting, free of charge. Online registration is open until the last day of the EGU General Assembly 2025. We strongly encourage all media participants to register in advance to facilitate co-ordination of press materials and resources during the meeting, and for in-person attendees, to permit badge collection on arrival to the conference centre, the Austria Center Vienna. You may also register online or on-site during the meeting.
Additional benefits include access to the Press Centre, interview rooms, and other meeting rooms, and a public transportation ticket for central Vienna, valid from Monday to Friday. At the Press Centre, media participants will also have access to a working space with a dedicated wireless network and a press conference room. Breakfast, lunch, coffee and refreshments are available free of charge.
EGU25 will allow journalists to learn about new developments in a range of fields, such as planetary exploration, Earth observation, polar science, climate change, pollution and natural hazards. In 2022, the EGU offered its first hybrid General Assembly, providing an on-site experience for those attending in-person, while at the same time introducing new concepts to include virtual attendees around the world.
Closer to the time of the meeting, this website will feature a full programme of press conferences, which will also be announced in later media advisories. For information on accommodation and travel, for in-person attendees, please refer to the appropriate sections of the main EGU General Assembly 2025 website.
More information
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-profit interdisciplinary learned association of scientists founded in 2002 with headquarters in Munich, Germany. The EGU publishes a number of diverse scientific journals, which use an innovative open access format, and organises a number of topical meetings, and education and outreach activities. Its annual General Assembly is the largest and most prominent European geosciences event, attracting over 15,000 scientists from all over the world. The meeting’s sessions cover a wide range of topics, including volcanology, planetary exploration, the Earth’s internal structure and atmosphere, climate, energy, and resources.
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Asmae Ourkiya
Media and Communications Officer
European Geosciences Union