Apply for a Field School for Teachers, or Geoscience Education Event in 2025!
2 December 2024
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is opening applications for its Field Schools for Teachers and its Geoscience Education Events schemes, which provide support and financial assistance for events promoting education in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU Education Committee is looking to award applicants interested in raising awareness of geoscience education and developing the capacity of teachers to deliver education informed by the latest science.
The first scheme, Field Schools for Teachers, provides training opportunities located in areas of geoscientific interest in Europe. The field schools aim to highlight the importance of fieldwork by connecting the training programme to the local environment. Field schools should draw from scientific knowledge through supervision by local and international researchers with expertise in the host environment and its geoscience phenomena. Information on previous and upcoming Field Schools for Teachers supported by the EGU Education Committee can be found here
The second scheme, Geoscience Education Events, supports events which bring the latest developments in geoscience to educators and encourages engagement at the interface between science and education. Geoscience Education Events aim to promote Geoscience Education in Europe and beyond, as well as supporting the development of geoscience education communities. The types of events supported by this scheme are broad and include science-teacher conferences, and contributions to large geoscience education events.
Events delivered under the Field Schools for Teachers and the Geoscience Education Events schemes are encouraged to be delivered in collaboration with other organisations.
To apply, interested applicants must fill in the online form by 15 January 2025. Submissions by this deadline will be evaluated by members of the Education Committee.
More information
The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-profit interdisciplinary learned association of scientists founded in 2002 with headquarters in Munich, Germany. The EGU publishes a number of diverse scientific journals that use an innovative open access format and organises topical meetings plus education and outreach activities. Its annual General Assembly is the largest and most prominent European geosciences event, attracting more than 18,000 scientists from all over the world. The meeting’s sessions cover a wide range of topics, including volcanology, planetary exploration, the Earth’s internal structure and atmosphere, climate, energy, and resources.
Jean-Luc Berenguer
EGU Education Committee Chair
Simon Clark
EGU Projects Manager