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EGU news Evidence-informed planning for a new era of climate hazards: EGU 2024 science-policy event

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European Geosciences Union

Evidence-informed planning for a new era of climate hazards: EGU 2024 science-policy event

16 September 2024

2023 was the warmest year on record, reaching 1.48°C above pre-industrial levels. Europe is the fastest-warming continent on the planet and is experiencing more extreme heat, severe droughts, and increasingly frequent and intense flooding and forest fires. Not only do these extreme events cause social, economic and environmental damages, but they also impact water and food security, energy security, and long-term human health. Despite these threats, Europe’s current policies and implemented adaptation actions will not be enough to mitigate the growing and interconnected impacts.

This event, to be held on Monday 4 Novemeber 2024 in Brussels and online, aims to bridge the gap between researchers and policymakers by providing them with the opportunity to collectively discuss the climate hazard challenges that we are facing along with potential solutions. Following a high-level panel, moderated table discussions will enable participants working on similar thematic areas to share their experiences and connect on the best available scientific evidence and current or potential policy solutions. This co-creative process will enable researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders working on climate hazards to identify key areas of immediate and future action.

Potential round table themes:

  • Water resources under climate stress
  • Preparing for flooding in urban and rural environments
  • Building resilience to droughts and heatwaves
  • Understanding changing forest fire dynamics
  • Establishing sustainable food systems in a changing climate
  • Building resilience to climate risks in the Arctic and glacial landscapes

Within these thematic areas, table moderators will guide participants through a range of key discussion points relating to effectively cascading and compounding risks, communicating uncertainty, understanding and implementing multi-risk assessment, managing societal risk, and interactions with non-climatic risk drivers.

Due to limited space, in-person participation at this event is by invitation only. If you are interested in attending or would like more information about the event, please contact Policy Manager Chloe Hill ( Unlimited online participation will also be offered with online moderated discussions.

More information

The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is the leading organisation for Earth, planetary and space science research in Europe. With our partner organisations worldwide, we foster fundamental geoscience research, alongside applied research that addresses key societal and environmental challenges. Our vision is to realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet. Our 20,000 members span many key scientific areas that can enhance the policy-making process including, but not limited to, natural hazards, biodiversity, pollution, climate change, soil science and raw-material sourcing.