New EGU partnerships
20 May 2014
The EGU has signed Memoranda of Cooperation with the Geological Society of America (GSA) and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) on April 28, 2014.
The GSA is a non-profit organisation whose mission is “to advance geoscience research and discovery, service to society, stewardship of Earth, and the geosciences profession.” The memorandum now signed aims to foster the cooperation between 13 of EGU’s divisions and the GSA.
As described on their website, “IUFRO is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists, which promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and enhances the understanding of the ecological, economic and social aspects of forests and trees.” The agreement aims to improve collaboration between 7 of EGU’s divisions and 3 of IUFRO’s.
This brings the total number of EGU partner organisations to five. The EGU has also signed Union-wide Memoranda of Understanding with the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) and the Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU).
Further details about the new Memoranda of Cooperation, and the Memoranda of Understanding with AGU, AOGS and JpGU, are available from the Collaborations section on this website.
EGU Executive Office
Munich, Germany
Phone +49-89-2180-6549
- EGU collaborations
- Geological Society of America
- International Union of Forest Research Organizations