Welcome to the news and press section of the EGU website. Here you will find:
- Press releases (for journalists): the EGU produces press releases on topical scientific research published in its open access journals. They cover all areas of the Earth, planetary and space sciences, including atmospheric sciences, climate, hydrology, cryospheric sciences, and natural hazards. Occasionally, we also publish press releases on other Union events of interest to the media and the general public.
- EGU news (for scientists): news and information about the EGU of interest to its membership and the wider scientific public.
- Highlight articles (for scientists): articles selected by the editors of EGU journals, mainly of interest to scientists. Some of the highlighted articles may also be relevant for journalists.
If you wish to receive our press releases via email, please use the news subscription form. Subscribed journalists and other members of the media receive EGU press releases under embargo (if applicable) in advance of public dissemination.
This section also includes other information of interest to journalists, such as on press activities at the annual EGU meeting (General Assembly), the largest geosciences conference in Europe, and on the EGU Science Journalism Fellowship, an annual competition to sponsor journalists wishing to report on the Earth, planetary and space sciences.
Finally, we also provide resources intended to help scientists communicate with the media.
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