Previous EGU meetings & conferences
Polar winter school 2025
Hvanneyri, Iceland
2–8 March 2025
The Polar Winter School, set against the stunning backdrop of Hvanneyri, Iceland, offers an exceptional educational experience focused on the critical study of polar regions, which are currently facing dramatic changes due to climate change. This initiative aims to equip international university students with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to ongoing research efforts in these fragile environments. The programme is divided into two parts: practical field work and lectures.
13th EGU Galileo Conference: QuIESCENT Arctic Workshop (Quantifying the Indirect Effect: from Sources to Climate Effects of Natural and Transported aerosol in the Arctic)
Hybrid event: Lausanne, Switzerland
22–24 October 2024
18th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
Chania, Greece
30 September – 3 October 2024
The 18th edition aims to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions on our current state of knowledge of Mediterranean risks in a climate change context. Different aspects related to monitoring, assessment, diagnosis, prediction, and definition of weather extremes, wildfires, hydro-geological effects, impacts on natural resources, agriculture, health and society, as well as adaptation capacity and preservation strategies for natural and cultural heritage at risk, will be addressed. -
2024 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics
Domaine du Lazaret, Sète, France
1–6 September 2024
3rd Training School Empirical and Ab Initio Thermodynamic Models of Minerals and Melts
Athens, Greece
5–9 August 2024
We will organize a training school in August 2024 on thermodynamic modeling of natural silicate liquids and their equilibria with minerals and fluids, combining two quite different but complementary intellectual approaches — macroscopic and atomistic. The macroscopic approach will be based on the MELTS family of thermodynamic minimization algorithms, whereas the atomistic portion on the application of first-principles molecular dynamics (MD). -
European Urban Resilience Forum 2024
Hybrid event
26–28 June 2024
The European Urban Resilience Forum - EURESFO2024 - is the annual event that provides the space and time to discuss a shared vision to implement a resilient European transformation at regional/local levels. It offers a unique exchange platform where city representatives and stakeholders from various local and regional institutions come together to discuss strategies and actions for adapting to climate change and building urban resilience. -
12th EGU Galileo Conference: Fibre Optic Sensing in Geosciences
Catania, Italy
16–20 June 2024
Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System studies Workshop
Milos, Greece
3–6 June 2024
Our conference aims to explore the unique chemical and physical processes on the volcanic island of Milos in Greece, which resemble geological and chemical conditions of Mars, Venus, the Moon, icy moons and more. Novel and innovative studies in these locations, such as field chemical and geomorphic measurements and studies of field relationships would lead to a greater understanding of these landscapes and processes across the Solar System. -
EGU Training School - Developing research skills in integrated oceanography, energy and strategic metal deposits and geobiology in emergent volcanoes—the example of the Milos natural palaeogeothermal laboratory
Milos, Western Cyclades, Greece
20–24 May 2024
The project provides rigorous 5-days training in oceanographic geological, biogeochemical, and geomicrobiological sciences, with a focus on submarine hydrothermal systems. Through a structured curriculum on Milos Island, participants gain expertise in fieldwork, data analysis, and technological applications crucial for mineral exploration. Key outcomes include proficiency in field techniques, hazard recognition, analytical validation, and delivering high-quality environmental data. -
Training school on remote sensing and interpretation of volcanic gas emission (within the 7th NOVAC workshop)
El Reventador, Ecuador
5–12 May 2024
The school will be organized in connection with the 7th Workshop of NOVAC collaboration to be hosted by Instituto Geofísico EPN in Ecuador. The NOVAC workshop is attended by ca. 40 participants from volcano observatories and research institutes in 20 countries. The aim of the training school is to train observatory staff on the geophysical interpretation of volcanic gas emission data, and the workshop is focused on the utilisation of remote sensing instrumentation and software used in NOVAC. -
EGU General Assembly 2024
Hybrid event: Vienna, Austria
14–19 April 2024
TRACING 2024 Thematic School
Saint-Lambert-des-Bois, France
3–7 March 2024
The objective of this Thematic School workshop is to bring together international experts working on the development of sediment 'fingerpriting' or 'tracing' techniques to identify the sources and quantify the dynamics of sediment and particle-bound contaminants. Participant knowledge will be updated on all the state-of-the-art techniques/methodological issues associated with sediment/particle-bound tracing. -
8th Snow Science Winter School
Sodankylä, Finland
25 February – 2 March 2024
The Snow Science Winter School aims at teaching modern techniques of snow microstructure characterization to graduate and post-graduate scientists. The training consists of combining theoretical lessons in the classroom and field practice in small groups of 3-4 students, with focus on some of the more modern measurement methods (high-resolution penetrometry, optical instruments for specific surface area of snow, X-ray tomography, etc.). -
International School "Wood and charcoals in Mediterranean forest ecology: anatomical identification and functional traits to interpret past and current climate changes"
Portici (Naples), Italy
19–23 February 2024
The Summer School provides basic, innovative, and transdisciplinary knowledge on different aspect of wood and charcoals analysis. It focused on the study of wood anatomy, providing knowledge and tools to study and interpret environmental data inferred from wood and charcoals stored in natural and archaeological contexts in the Mediterranean area.
International Summer School GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS 2023
La Serena, Chile
6–12 November 2023
The last IPCC report confirms the deleterious effects of rising temperatures and decreasing pH and oxygen in the coastal and open ocean ecosystems, calling for enhancing our capacity to predict the ocean state. The GOOD-OARS-CLAP-COPAS International Summer School 2023 is designed to prepare the next generation of ocean scientists that will engage in multidisciplinary research and increase our understanding on the response of marine ecosystems in the next decades. -
EGU Training School on Multiscale Characterisation of Atmospheric New Particle Formation
Hybrid event: Lausanne, Switzerland
17–19 October 2023
2023 Science for Policy in Europe
Hybrid event: Brussels, Belgium
10–11 October 2023
This event aims to support better science for policy ecosystems. It will bring together policymakers, science advisors, researchers, ethics experts, and other professionals in science-for-policy ecosystems, to participate in a number of exciting panels and interactive sessions. -
2023 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School
Gävle, Sweden
3–7 July 2023
A training school focused on exploring glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling will be held from 3-7 July 2023 at Lantmäteriet in Gävle, Sweden. The program will include lectures and practical exercises aimed at investigating the interactions between solid Earth deformation, ice mass change, and associated sea-level and geoid variations. Students will complete homework exercises utilizing freely available modelling software and will have the opportunity to spend one-to-one time with leading -
Tools in Biogeochemistry Workshop 2023
Tuebingen, Germany
2–7 July 2023
This workshop aims to connect PhD students with international researches in biogeochemistry. Techniques such as (cryo) electron microscopy, synchrotron, microelectrodes, Mössbauer spectroscopy, single particle ICP-MS, bioreactors and omics will be taught via lectures and practical sessions. Social events such as icebreakers, dinners, BBQ and boat tours will be organized in the beautiful small town of Tuebingen to allow connections to develop in a relaxed manner. -
8th EGU Galileo Conference: European Vision for Hydrological Observations and Experimentation
Napoli, Italy
12–15 June 2023
Focusing on hydrologic observation, hypothesis driven experimentation, and the models behind the data - participants will initialize a new vision for European hydrologic observation and experimentation. The conference will consist of plenary sessions with talks by invited speakers, early career talks and panel discussions with strong involvement of the audience, poster session combined with flash talks, open workshop spaces in form of break out groups and a wrap-up meeting. -
11th EGU Galileo Conference: The Solid Earth and Geohazards in the Exascale Era
Barcelona, Spain
23–26 May 2023
EGU General Assembly 2023
Hybrid event: Vienna, Austria
23–28 April 2023
17th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
Rome, Italy
18–21 October 2022
The objective of the 2020 edition is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions on our current state of knowledge of Mediterranean risks in a climate change context, such as extreme rainfall events, winds, sea surges, floods and landslides. This will be achieved by bringing together scientific experts in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, geomorphology, sociology, engineering, cultural heritage conservation, and also governmental or private risk management actors. -
IAG-EGU Intensive Course for Young Geomorphologists on “Geomorphological changes in fire affected landscapes: field and laboratory techniques for soil erosion analysis”
Guimarães, Portugal
17–20 September 2022
Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies
Ljubljana, Slovenia
12–14 September 2022
The main attribute of this meeting is a friendly, unofficial atmosphere, which promotes the exchange of new ideas about tectonics, structure, stratigraphy, and metamorphic evolution of the Alps and the adjacent Alpine-type orogens. Geoscientists from different disciplines and views are welcome to present their ideas. In addition to oral and poster presentations, two longer multi-day field excursions will be offered before and after the meeting, as well as several day trips. -
2022 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics
Hévíz, Hungary
28 August – 2 September 2022
The goals of this bi-annual workshop are: * Encourage detailed discussion on scientific and technical aspects of geodynamic modeling, * Foster interaction with neighbouring disciplines, * Introduce students and postdocs in an informal setting to current geodynamic research, * Support international collaboration. The format of the workshop has invited keynote speeches concentrating on a number of select areas and all other presentations are by means of poster sessions. -
10th EGU Galileo Conference: The warm Pliocene: Bridging the geological data and modelling communities
Hybrid event: Leeds, UK
23–26 August 2022
Understanding the sensitivity of climate to changes in levels of carbon dioxide is one of the grand challenges facing society. Intervals in Earth history, such as the Pliocene (c. 3 million years ago) offer a unique testbed to understand how climate and the Earth system could respond to increased greenhouse gas emissions. Our Galileo conference will bring together the modelling and the data community, building on past successes to help define the direction of Pliocene research globally. -
CNDS/EGU Summer School on Natural Hazards in the Anthropocene
Uppsala, Sweden
22–26 August 2022
This international one-week course gathers PhD students in Earth-, Engineering- and Social sciences for an introduction to the dynamics and impacts of natural hazards as well as disaster management and social vulnerability under the umbrella of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). The theme of this year’s course is diversities in approaches and practices in natural hazards and disaster science. -
7th EGU Galileo Conference: Second workshop on isotope-based studies of water partitioning and plant-soil interactions
Tuscany region, Italy
26–28 July 2022
The workshop aims to bring together scientists with different background (hydrology, soil science, plant physiology, remote sensing, ...) but common research interests in the use of stable isotopes of water as tracers to study partitioning of water in different environments. The workshop will address the urgent need to share experiences, discuss and advance knowledge about ecohydrological and physiological mechanisms that regulate the selection of different water sources taken up by plants. -
International Higher Education Teaching Workshop
Glasgow, Scotland
20–22 July 2022
The University of Glasgow invites Higher Education (HE) geoscience teachers to participate in this EGU sponsored Teaching Workshop. The workshop will provide a setting for interactive participation for discussion on new ideas and an arena for educators to share examples of their effective and inclusive teaching success. The workshop will consist of six virtual sessions devoted to important geoscience related topicsheld over 3 days: 20-22 July 2022. -
EGU General Assembly 2022
Hybrid event: Vienna, Austria
23–27 May 2022
Forest ecosystem response to post-fire management strategies and restoration tools in wildfire affected forest
Albacete, Spain
17–20 May 2022
The training school aims to gain a better knowledge of the wildfires effects on soil and plant ecosystems and to investigate the different post-fire management strategies and restoration tools used in wildfire affected forest for restoring soil and plant ecosystems to pre-fire levels. -
9th EGU Galileo Conference: Fire impacts at the Earth surface across space and time: perspectives for future fire management
Hybrid event: Bad Belzig, Germany
28 March – 1 April 2022
This Galileo conference aims to provide a discussion-driven meeting to facilitate knowledge transfer between fire science disciplines and to identify research needs to support fire management of the future. Leading fire experts together with scientists and stakeholders from the fire and forest policy and management domains will discuss in plenary and breakout sessions 1) new joint perspectives on key processes, drivers and impacts of fire in the natural and human-shaped environments and 2) ident -
7th EGU Snow Science Winter School 2022
Sodankylä, Finland
13–19 February 2022
The 7th EGU Snow Science Winter School will teach these modern techniques of snow measurements. The school consists of field training complemented by theoretical lessons. It includes the practice with some of the state-of-the-art snow measurement techniques (specific surface area by reflection and spectroscopy, near-infrared photography, high-resolution penetrometry, micro-tomography, etc). Students will learn about how to characterize snow cover, what are the fundamental processes responsible
Empirical and Ab Initio Thermodynamic Models of Minerals and Melts
Athens - Greece
1–5 November 2021
The training school, aimed at early career scientists, is on thermodynamic modeling of natural silicate liquids and their equilibria with minerals and fluids, combining two quite different but complementary intellectual approaches — macroscopic and atomistic. The macroscopic approach will be based on the MELTS family of thermodynamic minimization algorithms, whereas the atomistic approach will use the UMD (Universal Molecular Dynamics) package for post-processing of ab initio molecular dynamics. -
International School on Mantle Dynamics MEREMA 2nd Edition
Sestri Levante, Italy
24–29 October 2021
The MEREMA II School aims to assess the present state of knowledge about the structure, chemical differentiation, and dynamics of the mantle as a whole system, acquiring information from different methodologic approaches and disciplines (petrology, geochemistry andgeophysics). Major themes will be: i) chemical evolution and dynamics of the Earth's mantle; ii) origin and length scale of chemical and isotopic mantle heterogeneities, iii) transfer of heterogeneities from mantle source -
Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities: Actions for Natural Hazard Scientists
Online event
1 October 2021
This free online course explores how natural hazard research scientists can better contribute to the planning and development of sustainable and resilient communities through improved engagement in disaster risk reduction. -
5th Summer School on Flow and Transport in porous & fractured media
Cargèse, France
20–31 July 2021
The 5th Cargèse summer school will be jointly organized by CNRS, the university of Rennes, the university of Oslo, Njord and PoreLab. It will take place from 20-31 July 2021 at the Cargese Institute, Corsica, France. The summer school will provide participants with a high level interdisciplinary training on funamental processes and recent theoretical and methodological advances on the characterization and modelling of flow, transport and reactive processes in porous and fractured media. -
Mathematics for Nonstationary Signals and applications in Geophysics and other fields (NoSAG21) - Summer School and Conference
Hybrid event: L'Aquila, Italy
19–24 July 2021
During the Summer School (July 19-22) young researchers will have a chance to learn and deepen their knowledge of new data analysis tools/techniques for non-stationary time series and their theoretical foundation. Lecturers: Patrick Flandrin - ENS Lyon Yang Wang - HKSTU Hau-tieng Wu - Duke University The Conference (July 22-24) will include presentations on both the applications of these techniques to real-life data and the current frontiers of the theoretical research. -
Wood and charcoals in Mediterranean forest ecology: anatomical identification and functional traits to interpret past and current climate changes
Hybrid event: Naples, Italy
21–25 June 2021
International Summer School "Wood and charcoals in Mediterranean forest ecology: anatomical identification and functional traits to interpret past and current climate changes"
Hybrid event: Naples, Italy
21–25 June 2021
The Summer School provides an overview of basic and innovative methods, tools and approaches for analysis of plant samples to reconstruct past vegetation and to evaluate the species plasticity to environmental changes, to make projections for the future of Mediterranean forests/shrublands. The course includes field-work training and hands-on laboratory sessions. Students will be involved in all aspects of wood and charcoal research: from sample preparation to data analysis and interpretation. -
Critical raw materials potential in North Eastern Europe – future mine and minerals conference
Tallinn, Estonia
27–28 April 2021
Raw materials are increasingly important when the EU move towards climate-smart technology. The EU is dependent on imports of Critical Raw Materials today, however, the demand is increasing, and supply is uncertain. The conference objective is to forecast and assess North-Eastern Europe’s Critical Raw Materials Potential and develop an updated knowledge base based on existing and newly acquired minerals data and define the state-of-the-art with regards to these elements and minerals. -
vEGU21: Gather Online
Online event
19–30 April 2021
In 2021, EGU will be hosting vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21), a fully virtual meeting that will be held in place of the General Assembly in Vienna.
EGU General Assembly 2020
Online event
4–8 May 2020
Training workshop "Data Curation and Management: Current Achievements and Future Challenges"
Paris, France
6–8 November 2019
The management and curation of research data is a very timely topic. Researchers are increasingly required to organize the long-term storage and access of the data used to obtain their results. As such, data training is highly relevant! WDS and EGU invite early career researchers for a 2.5 day workshop to gain practical skills in data curation and management. Accommodation and meals are fully covered, travel costs need to be covered by the participants (some limited funding is available). -
10th EGU Leonardo Conference: Global change, landscape ageing and the pulse of catchments
Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
16–18 October 2019
During the 2019 EGU Leonardo topical conference, we intend to assess the current status quo and potential ways forward on (i) catchment evolution conceptualization, (ii) conciliation of (dynamic) catchment complexity and (static) model complexity, as well as (iii) re-connection of field research and hydrological modelling. -
6th EGU Galileo Conference: Perturbations of earth surface dynamics caused by extreme events
Kathmandu, Nepal
13–19 October 2019
Ice Core Analysis Techniques (ICAT) PhD school 2019
Copenhagen, Denmark
23–28 September 2019
The ICAT PhD school (2 ECTS) is aimed at PhD students and junior postdocs who conduct ice core analysis or are users of ice core data (glaciologists, oceanographers, climate modelers, earth scientists). ICAT aims to educate a new generation of ice core researchers and foster a collaborative environment for future glaciological projects. -
2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course: Field Training School on Coastal Geomophology of Climatically and Tectonically Sensitive Areas
Anavyssos & Athens, Greece
22–27 September 2019
The event will be part of the IAG Training Programme, which encourages and promotes Early Career Geomorphologists worldwide by offering grants and bringing them to interact with renowned Geomorphologists and Geoscientists regarding their research activities. -
2nd IAG-EGU Intensive Course: Field Training School on " Coastal Geomorphology of Climatically and Τectonically sensitive areas"
Athens, Greece
22–27 September 2019
As part of the next Regional Conference on Geomorphology, the event will be part of the IAG Training Programme and will be for the second time organized in collaboration with the EGU Geomorphology Division. Early Career Geomorphologists will interact with renowned Geomorphologists and Geoscientists and learn the pioneering techniques, innovative and multidisciplinary approaches to be used in geomorphological field work in climatically and tectonically sensitive coastal areas. -
Geoscience Communication School
Trieste, Italy
16–21 September 2019
Attending the school students will learn how to effectively convey important research results to a public of both experts and laypeople. Students will learn how to write an abstract, how to structure effectively a poster about their research, how to write a paper. Also students will receive coaching from experienced researchers on proposal and report drafting, and on how to improve communication to policymakers, general public and school students. -
Coche 2019 Coastal Changes and Evolution training school
Oristano, Italy
15–18 September 2019
CoChE is an international training school dedicated to the upcoming generation of coastal researchers. It will focus on current methods to investigate the response of coastal zones to ongoing climate change. The training school will include in-class lessons and field activities covering a range of specific fields. CoChe is a unique international forum to explore the diverse dynamics of past, present and future coastal evolution, from a field perspective to a wide range of modelling approaches. -
Solute Imaging Summer School 2019: High-resolution chemical imaging of solutes in soils and sediments
Vienna, Austria
12–17 September 2019
The aim of this Summer School is to teach the theoretical background and practical application of two-dimensional solute visualisation techniques, which allow for multi-analyte visualization of a broad range of solute parameters (metal(loid)s, oxyanions, O2, pH, enzyme activity) in soils and sediments at high spatial (µm-mm) and temporal resolution (min-h). -
Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies
Sion, Switzerland
4–6 September 2019
Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) International Summer School
Xiamen, China
2–8 September 2019
The IOC- GO2NE SS2019 will bring together 40 PhD students and early career scientists with 16 world-leading international scientists. It aims to connect young researchers with leading scientists from the academic and SMEs world working on oxygen not only in a theoretical framework, but also through practical sessions on laboratory experiments, field work, modelling and special sessions on communication, ethics, and engagement with stakeholder. -
5th EGU Galileo Conference: Mass extinctions, recovery and resilience
Utrecht, The Netherlands
26 August – 1 September 2019
Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Training School 2019
Gävle, Sweden
26–30 August 2019
A training school on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) modelling will be held 26-30 August 2019 in Gävle, Sweden. The program includes lectures and practical exercises aimed at investigating interactions between solid Earth deformation, ice mass change, and associated sea-level and geoid variations. The course is aimed at graduate students or early career scientists who are working on (or will soon start working on) topics related to GIA modelling. No prior modelling experience required. -
2019 Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithospheric Dynamics
Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Italy
25–30 August 2019
This workshop series, initiated in 1987 and taking place every two years, was renamed by EGU in 2018 to honour the 19th century English mathematician Ada Lovelace. The goals are to (i) encourage detailed discussion on scientific and technical aspects of geodynamic modeling, (ii) foster interaction with neighbouring disciplines, (iii) introduce students and postdocs in an informal setting to current geodynamic research, and (iv) support international collaboration. -
5th EGU Summer School - Structural Analysis of Crystalline Rocks
Nevessee area, Italy
24–30 August 2019
The school is aimed at teaching advanced techniques of quantitative structural analysis in deformed basement rocks. It is addressed at PhD and post-Doc students and early-career researchers. -
CNDS/EGU Summer School on Natural Hazards in the Anthropocene
Uppsala, Sweden
19–23 August 2019
This one-week course gathers PhD students in earth-, engineering- and social sciences to understand the dynamics and negative impacts of natural hazards (floods, droughts, wildfires, volcanoes, earthquakes, etc.) as well as international crisis preparedness and social vulnerability. The course offers intensive training that will cover both fundamental concepts and up-to-date tools for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). -
Summer School on Speleothem Science (S4) 2019
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
11–17 August 2019
The S4 is designed for students and early career researchers interested in applying speleothem science (the science of secondary cave mineral deposits) to reconstruct past climate, environmental and archaeological change. Lectures and workshops will be delivered by leading experts and will span topics including stable isotope analysis, U-series geochronology, trace element geochemistry, novel techniques and applications of speleothem data. A poster session and field trip will also take place. -
4th IAGA School
Montreal, Canada
3–7 July 2019
IAGA Schools are organised in the week before the IAGA Scientific Assemblies and the IUGG General Assemblies with the aim of providing excellent early career scientists with a good basic understanding of a wide range of the scientific topics covered by IAGA. -
3rd ACAM Training School on Satellite observations and Modeling of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region
Bangi, Malaysia
24–25 June 2019
Specific goals of the 2019 training school include enhancing the capacity and training of early career scientists in the areas of atmospheric composition data analysis using satellite remote sensing and modeling (fundamentals, applications and data products), relevant to studying aerosols, trace gases, transport processes and chemistry-climate interactions, particularly in connection with the Asian monsoon. -
School on Satellite Observations and Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
24–26 June 2019
Satellite Observations and Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region (ACAM) The Third ACAM Training School (24-25 June 2019) will be focused on Satellite Observations and Analysis of Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols in the Asian Monsoon region. Last date of training school applications is 31 March. The school will be held in conjunction with the Fourth ACAM Workshop (26-28 June) in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). -
OpenIFS 5th user workshop 2019
Reading, UK
17–21 June 2019
OpenIFS is an ECMWF activity that provides an portable version of the IFS forecast model for use in research and education. This user meeting brings together scientists, current and prospective users of the ECMWF OpenIFS model from universities, national meteorological services and other organisations to discuss topics on the workshop theme. The workshop will start with a training on the OpenIFS model on Monday, followed by the scientific programme from Tuesday to Friday. -
OpenIFS 5th user workshop 2019
University of Reading, UK
17–21 June 2019
OpenIFS is an ECMWF activity that provides an portable version of the IFS forecast model for use in research and education. This user meeting brings together scientists, current and prospective users of the ECMWF OpenIFS model from universities, national meteorological services and other organisations. The workshop theme will be: The impact of moist processes on weather forecasts -
12th International School on Foraminifera
Urbino, Italy
9–28 June 2019
Since its inception in 2006, the International School on Foraminifera in Urbino has been the world’s leading training school devoted to the study of foraminifera. The three-week training course is held at the Collegio Internazionale at the University of Urbino. The school boasts an international teaching faculty who are among the world’s leading experts in their respective research fields. The full course consists of approximately 60 hours of lectures and 60 hours of practical work. -
Principles of catchment-scale hydrological models
University of Padova, Legnaro, Italy
15–19 April 2019
The University of Padova (Italy) together with the Eawag (Switzerland) and the University of Adelaide (Australia) are presenting a 5-day school on major themes within hydrological modelling, with the aim of providing some key background of the subject and overviewing recent developments. The spring school will include a 1-day field trip to experimental catchments in the Italian pre-Alps, which will then form part of the modelling exercises. The school is limited to a maximum of 22 participants. -
EGU General Assembly 2019
Vienna, Austria
7–12 April 2019
RED’19 – Astrobiology Introductory Course
Le Teich, France
3–9 March 2019
This meeting is addressed to: • Any student preparing his PhD thesis in Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Biology or History/Philosophy of sciences in France or any other country. • Any students or young scientist wishing to acquire an interdisciplinary training in astrobiology to complete their initial training and to be able to address issues about the origins of life on Earth, its evolution and its distribution in the Universe. -
5th Snow Science Winter School
Hailuoto, Finland
17–23 February 2019
The past 10 years snow science has seen a rapid change from a semi-quantitative to a quantitative science. Understanding physical and chemical processes in the snowpack requires detailed measurements of the microstructure. The 5th Snow Science Winter School will teach these advanced techniques, as micro-tomography, measurement of specific surface area by reflection and spectroscopy, near-infrared photography and high-resolution penetrometry.
16th Plinius conference on Mediterranean Risks
Montpellier, France
9–12 October 2018
The objective of the 2018 conference is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for discussions on our current state of knowledge of Mediterranean risks, such as heavy rainfall events, strong winds, sea surges, floods and landslides. This will be achieved by bringing together scientific experts in the fields of meteorology, hydrology, geomorphology, sociology, engineering, and also governmental or private risk management actors. -
EGU Training School on "Geoheritage management: conservation, promotion and monitoring"
Braga, Portugal
24–28 September 2018
The main objective of the training school is to present and discuss the geoheritage management topic, namely the conservation, promotion and monitoring of geosites and geodiversity sites. The training school is addressed to early career scientists (35 years old or younger) and undergraduate or postgraduate students (who obtained her/his highest degree qualification within the last two years) worldwide involved with any topic related to geoheritage and aiming to know more about these subjects. -
International School of Space Science "The Polar Upper Atmosphere: from Science to Operational Issues "
L'Aquila, Italy
17–21 September 2018
The goal of the school is to foster the excitement and to encourage the involvement of the next generation of researchers in the studies of the geospace environment of Polar Regions. The importance of these regions is rapidly growing due to the modern society’s dependence on the technology vulnerable to space weather effects (e.g. GNSS navigation). The school, mainly addressed to graduate and post-graduate students, will consists of lectures, hands-on activities and team building exercises. -
3rd EGU Galileo Conference: The anatomy of abrupt climate change: dissecting the palaeo-record to trace the mechanisms of climate variability
Gniew, Poland
27–31 August 2018
Young Seismologists Training Course: "Array Seismology"
Lija, Malta
27–31 August 2018
CNDS/EGU Summer School on Natural Hazards in the Anthropocene
Uppsala, Sweden
20–24 August 2018
This one-week course aims to gather early career scientists in earth-, engineering- and social sciences to understand the dynamics and negative impacts of natural hazards (e.g., floods, droughts, landslides, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes) as well as international crisis preparedness and social vulnerability. More specifically, the course offers intensive training that will cover the fundamental concepts and tools for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). -
Glaciers, Moraines and Climate: Challenges of Identifying, Dating and Extracting Palaeoclimatic Data from Former Glacier Fluctuations
Inchnadamph, UK
13–16 August 2018
7th International SOLAS Summer School
Cargese, Corsica, France
23 July – 4 August 2018
The SOLAS Summer School is a biennial, international event that brings together over 70 students and 15 world-leading international scientists, in a variety of fields, for a combination of lectures and practical workshops. It aims to teach the skills and knowledge of the many disciplines needed to understand the nature of ocean-atmosphere interactions and how to link ocean-atmosphere interactions with climate and people. -
ICTP Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Multiple Equilibria in the Climate System
Trieste, Italy
25 June – 6 July 2018
The school will be based on lectures on theoretical aspects of atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics, with focus on the present state of established knowledge and relevant mechanisms. The topic, Multiple Equilibra in the Climate System, will be the subject of afternoon lectures, giving an overview of the most recent progress and hypotheses suggesting the existence of multiple equilibrium states, and consequences for past and future climates. Afternoons will also be devoted to practical sessions -
4th Cargèse Summer School: Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media: Development, Protection, Management ad Sequestration of Subsurface Fluids
Cargèse, France
25 June – 6 July 2018
The objectives of the Cargèse summer school are to provide participants with a high level interdisciplinary training on the fundamental processes and recent theoretical and methodological advances that have emerged in the study of flow, transport and biogeochemical processes in the subsurface. -
4th EGU Galileo Conference: Exploring new frontiers in fluids processes in subduction zones
Leibnitz, Austria
24–29 June 2018
Foraminiferal Biomonitoring (FaB) School
St. Andrews, UK
23–24 June 2018
Empirical and Ab Initio Thermodynamic Models of Minerals and Melts
Milos Island, Greece
18–22 June 2018
We will organize a training school in June of 2018 on thermodynamic modeling of natural silicate liquids and their equilibria with minerals and fluids, combining two quite different but complementary intellectual approaches — macroscopic and atomistic. The macroscopic approach will be based on the MELTS family of thermodynamic minimization algorithms, whereas the atomistic approach will use ab initio molecular dynamics based on the ABINIT density functional theory package. -
Geoscience Communication School
Castiglione del Lago, Italy
7–12 May 2018
The school has the aim of offering overview and training of scientific communication skills in all its forms. It will treat communication not only with an “educative aim” but also with a “scientific aim”. The lecturers will therefore not only present an overview of science communication from a theoretical point of view, but also will offer practical activities on abstract/paper writing and poster editing, on proposal and report drafting, and on how to improve communication to policymakers. -
EGU General Assembly 2018
Vienna, Austria
8–13 April 2018
Deformation Processes in the Lower Crust (Bohemian Massif, Austria)
Vienna, Austria
7–8 April 2018
The trip aims to provide an outlook on the processes occurring in orogenic root domains on the example of the Bohemian Massif. Special focus will be given to deformation structures and strain partitioning between rocks of different composition and rheology. The field trip is especially addressed to ECS taking part at the EGU GA in order to give them the opportunity to, not only discuss tectonic and metamorphic processes in the field, but also to meet new people and build up a network. -
4th Snow Science Winter School
Col du Lautaret, France
11–17 February 2018
New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia: An AOGS-EGU Joint Conference
Tagaytay, Philippines
4–8 February 2018
New Dimensions for Natural Hazards in Asia: An AOGS-EGU Joint Conference is a joint AOGS / EGU venture dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of natural hazards. This international conference brings together students, early career and established scientists from all areas of the globe. The aim is to discuss current advances in knowledge and new perspectives relevant to natural hazards in the Asian region.
9th EGU Leonardo Conference: Water stable isotopes in the hydrological cycle
Black Forest, Germany
16–18 October 2017
This conference will bring together researchers working with stable water isotopes from different disciplines to increase interaction and to initiate new approaches by this interaction, pushing the forefront of understanding ecohydrological processes or other question relating the different disciplines. It will be structured into four topics: • Analytical developments & monitoring systems • Water fluxes, transport and transit times • Ecohydrological processes • Water balance & climate models -
2nd EGU Galileo Conference: Geoscience for understanding habitability in the solar system and beyond
São Miguel (Azores), Portugal
25–29 September 2017
Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies
Zlatibor, Serbia
7–18 September 2017
For the first time, an Alpine Workshop goes that far from its original realm, and we consider this a particular advantage. The meeting offers a wide spectrum of scientific sessions and four exciting excursions, which should meet everyone's personal interest and geological taste. Let us together revisit our present day knowledge about Alpine geology - this time by the perspective from the Dinarides! Welcome to Serbia! -
SPARC/IUGG/EGU Training School on Stratosphere-Troposphere Interactions
Cape Town, South Africa
2–5 September 2017
The IUGG/EGU/WCRP-SPARC training school on stratosphere-troposphere interactions is jointly organised by SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate, a core project of the World Climate Research Programme), the Climate Systems Analysis Group at the University of Cape Town, and the International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere. The training school will take place from 2-5 September at the University of Cape Town. -
15th International Workshop on Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics
Putten, The Netherlands
27–30 August 2017
The workshop brings together early career scientists and specialists from geodynamics, applied mathematics, and material science to exchange and discuss advances in the methodological aspects of numerical implementations as well as latest developments and good practices in numerical modelling applications. We will centre on 15 keynote lectures with ample time for in-depth discussions with speakers and plenary discussions, and for poster sessions with contributions from all participants. -
4th EGU Summer School - Structural Analysis of Crystalline Rocks
Nevessee area, Italy
25–31 August 2017
The school is aimed at teaching advanced techniques of quantitative structural analysis in deformed basement rocks. It is addressed at PhD and post-Doc students and early-career researchers. -
3rd IAGA Summer School
Hermanus, South Africa
20–26 August 2017
The Summer School provides excellent young scientists with a good basic understanding of a wide range of IAGA scientific topics. The sponsored participants are selected from nominations considering geographical and gender diversity in addition to scientific excellence. Lectures are given by distinguished international experts in the fields, with accompanying practicals. The 2017 School is hosted and co-sponsored by SANSA Space Sciences and acknowledges co-sponsoring from EGU. -
Integrated approaches to investigate the role of benthic organisms in soft and hard substrate in ecosystem functioning: from field observations and experiments to modeling and indicator development
Calvi, Corsica
17–21 July 2017
Within this summer school, PhD students and early post-docs will be initiated in experimental methodology to investigate the effect of animal activity on biogeochemical cycling in both sediments and the water column. Class room lectures (including will be combined with hands-on experiments using state of the art experimental equipment -
Summer School on "Principles of catchment-scale hydrological modelling"
Lecce, Italy
26–30 June 2017
Environmental modellers increasingly require robust and practical approaches for model development and evaluation. With the support of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), we are presenting a short course on catchment-scale hydrological modelling. The following topics are included: hydrological model development, numerical methods, and Bayesian methods. The course will include a 1-day field trip showing the hydrogeological and hydrological characteristics of the Salento peninsula. -
EU Sustainable Energy Week 2017
Brussels, Belgium
19–25 June 2017
During the EU's Sustainable Energy Week, public authorities, energy agencies, research organisations, NGOs, businesses, and private consumers will have the chance to exchange ideas about providing secure, clean and efficient energy. Events organised as part of the week will include the annual Policy Conference on sustainable energy as well as networking opportunities and an awards ceremony for energy-saving initiatives. -
10th International School on Foraminifera
Urbino, Italy
11–30 June 2017
The 10th Course on Foraminifera is designed to provide an overview of the Taxonomy, Ecology, Biodiversity, and Geological History of Benthic and Planktonic Foraminifera. The entire course consists of approximately 60 hours of lectures and 60 hours of practical work. Four distinct courses are planned: Foraminiferal Introduction, Larger Benthic Foraminiferal Course, Smaller Benthic Foraminiferal Course and Planktonic Foraminiferal Course. -
1st EGU Galileo Conference: From process to signal – advancing environmental seismology
Ohlstadt, Germany
6–9 June 2017
At the workshop we plan the following: - survey the state of the field in a series of keynote lectures from leading environmental seismologists; - address the breadth and novelties of current research through presentations by attendees; - decisively foster overarching discussion between individual programme points by including scheduled discussion time after talks and allowing for plenty of contact time outside of scheduled activities; - work towards focused discussion in break-out groups. -
EGU General Assembly 2017
Vienna, Austria
23–28 April 2017
8th EGU Leonardo Conference: From evaporation to precipitation: the atmospheric moisture transport
Ourense, Spain
25–27 October 2016
The "EGU Leonardo Topical Conference Series on the Hydrological Cycle" is the forum that EGU provides for scientific discussions focused on specific topics around the Hydrological Cycle. This year’s topic is devoted to the Atmospheric Branch of the Hydrological Cycle involving all aspects from evaporation to precipitation. -
Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling
Tarquinia, Italy
19–28 October 2016
The purpose of the School is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions. The aim is to create a school for young scientists willing to reinforce or develop their knowledge on atmospheric extreme events detection and monitoring for supporting policy makers, early warning systems and aviation safety. -
17–21 October 2016
GeoMod is a biennial international conference focusing on experimental and numerical modelling in Geosciences. Previous GeoMod conferences took place in Potsdam (2014), Lausanne (2012), Lisbon (2010), Florence (2008), Lucerne (2004) and Milan (2002). The main aim is to discuss and present the latest ideas, methods and results of laboratory, analytical and numerical modeling of geological processes. GeoMod 2016 is organized as a four days workshop (17-20 of October) and a one day fieldtrip (21th) -
MedCLIVAR 2016. Mediterranean Climate: Learning from the past, perceiving the present, engaging for the future
Athens, Greece
26–30 September 2016
The MedCLIVAR 2016 conference is a forum for dissemination and discussion of progress in research on climate variability and change, impacts, adaptation, mitigation and policy solutions and options in the Mediterranean region. We invite researchers from all relevant fields to address open questions in the region, tools and options for better understanding the complex Mediterranean climate and contribute towards strategies to respond to climate change pressures on ecosystems and human societies. -
EGU / Council of Europe FORM-OSE Post-Graduate Training School 2016 - "Landslides and Other Geological Hazards in Active Volcanic Environments”
Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago), Portugal)
4–9 July 2016
The global objectives of the school are to provide a high-level training to European young scientists, focusing the complex processes interactions between “Landslides and Other Geological Hazards in Active Volcanic Environments”, and promote scientific and technological excellence in the science of natural hazards. -
Cross Country Workshop on past Flood Variability
Grenoble, France
27–30 June 2016
This workshop will constitute the first important meeting of the PAGES Floods Working Group and will provide an overview and inventory of the different kinds of flood archives, techniques and methods used; of data available for the database; and of the visions/ideas/goals of the working-group members. 3 sessions are planned: 1) What archives can be used to reconstruct past flood variability? 2) How to develop a multi-archive approach? 3) How to analyse paleo-flood data sets? -
Workshop on Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues
London, UK
20–21 June 2016
The aim of this workshop is to bring together the plethora of researchers involved in gully-research on Mars, and also to add a wider perspective by including contributions from those studying analogous environments on Earth such as, geomorphologists, sedimentologists glaciologists, hydrologists, climatologists, soil scientists and mineralogists/petrologists. Registration is open. The deadline for Oral abstracts has passed but poster abstracts are still being accepted. -
Martian Gullies and their Earth Analogues
London, UK
20–21 June 2016
This meeting follows on from the original workshop on martin gullies held in 2008 at LPI in Houston Texas. This happened 8 years after their first discovery and formed a focal point for researchers studying gullies through remote sensing, fieldwork studies of Earth analogues and laboratory simulation studies. -
Water as hazard and water as heritage
Rome, Italy
13–14 June 2016
In a changing climate, hydrological and meteorological hazards related to water provoke more and more losses. Water courses are also causing other types of hazards, as alluvionar soil deposits are raising vulnerability to earthquakes through the Mexico City effect. On the other hand, water itself is a vulnerable habitat. To deal with the later, living museums including acquaria are planned, to raise awareness to protect the ecological diversity of water and water sites. -
15th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks
Taormina, Italy
8–11 June 2016
2016 edition of the Plinius Conference will provide special emphasis to discuss current state of knowledge related to Mediterranean hydro-related hazardous events, such as floods, landslides, coastal flooding and erosion, and their expected impacts on society, environment and economy, In this edition, we strongly encourage the participation of experts in different disciplines to present their own unique perspectives on how to understand and manage those events across the Mediterranean area. -
ASTARTE, PEARL & TANDEM Joint Summer School
Chania, Crete, Greece
3–7 June 2016
The school will focus on coastal hazards, coastal management and resilience. It aims to answer the question: What can we do now and in the future to mitigate the impact of natural hazards? The school is a unique opportunity to put together three different research communities from three different running collaborative projects: ASTARTE 603839, PEARL 603663 and TANDEM. -
EGU General Assembly 2016
Vienna, Austria
17–22 April 2016
Geoscience Communication School
Castiglione del Lago (Perugia, Italy)
10–16 April 2016
Attending the school students will learn how to effectively convey important research results to a public of both experts and laypeople. Students will learn how to write an abstract, how to structure effectively a poster about their research, how to write a paper. Also students will receive coaching from experienced researchers and Euraxess experts on proposal and report drafting, and on how to improve communication to policymakers.
10th Alexander von Humboldt Conference 2015 STAHY’15 Workshop & EGU-GIFT Workshop 7th EGU Leonardo Conference 2015
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
18–20 November 2015
The conference will focus on physically-based, numerical and statistical approaches addressing the above research topics and challenges. Particular attention will be given to statistical methods which are the traditional primary focus of the STAHY workshop. In particular: time series analysis, multivariate analysis, and statistical methods for rainfall, flood, drought, water resources management modeling and analyses. -
Convective and volcanic clouds detection, monitoring and modeling
Castiglione del Lago, Italy
4–9 October 2015
The school topics will range from satellite instruments to aircraft measuremtents, from study of ash and SO2 clouds to tropical cyclones, mediterranean hurricanes, land and maritime convection. The purpose of the School is to train students with outstanding research interest in the techniques allowing to detect, monitor, and model convective and volcanic clouds, to gain knowledge of the instruments and satellite missions (present and future) and to be able to support such kind of studies. -
Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies
Montgenèvre, France
13–19 September 2015
The EGU Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies is held every two years to promote interdisciplinary research on Alpine-type orogens. The 12th edition will be hosted in Montgenèvre and Briançon, French Hautes-Alpes, in the core of the internal Western Alpine arc. The meeting will be held in the Montgenèvre resort 15-17 September 2015 and is preceded and followed by field trips. -
14th International Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics
Olerons, France
31 August – 5 September 2015
This event aims at bringing together students and post-docs with experienced scientist in order to discuss how using numerical modelling one can brings insights in the dynamics of the solid earth and other planetary bodies. The core of the program focuses not only on application but also on technical issues. -
Summer School on Speleothem Science 2015
Oxford, United Kingdom
23–29 August 2015
The Summer School on Speleothem Science brings together students and experts from across the world to discuss the latest techniques and innovations in the field of speleothem palaeoclimatology. Through a series of seminars, workshops and a field trip participants will be exposed to the full breadth of current speleothem research, as well as having the opportunity to present their own research. Participant registration opens January 2015. -
Rogue and Shock Waves in Nonlinear Dispersive Media
Cargèse, France
6–17 July 2015
Land-atmosphere interactions: coupling between the energy, water and carbon cycles
Valsavarenche, Italy
22 June – 1 July 2015
Land-atmosphere interactions describe the coupled exchanges of momentum, heat, moisture and carbon between the land surface and the atmosphere. Correctly modelling and measuring the feed-backs between the surface and the atmosphere is key for improved weather and climate forecast. This school aims at providing to PhD students and young researchers an up-to-date training program presenting a quantitative approach outlining physical principles and mathematical basis of land-atmosphere interactions -
Global and regional sea level variability and change
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
10–12 June 2015
The workshop aims at evaluating the current state-of-knowledge of the sea level science, providing a forum for the discussion and the exchange of ideas on key sea level issues, and fostering collaboration across the wide range of disciplines involved in sea level research. All aspects of sea level changes will be contemplated. -
Workshop on Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation in Meteorology and Oceanography
Roanoke, West Virginia, USA
1–5 June 2015
This is the 10th in the series of "Adjoint Workshops" that began in 1992. It is intended to provide public evaluation of new works, reviews of techniques, and tutorials on fundamentals. Historically, more than half of each workshop has been devoted to data assimilation issues. Presentations from oceanography, geo-sciences, or engineering are welcome as are applications of techniques that do not include adjoint models but concern the applications to which they may otherwise apply. -
EGU General Assembly 2015
Vienna, Austria
12–17 April 2015
Conference on Sun-Climate Connections
Kiel, Germany
16–19 March 2015
This international conference will provide an overview of our current understanding of Sun-Climate Connections starting at processes on the Sun itself over space weather and solar wind towards solar influence on the upper atmosphere down to the ocean. It will also provide insights into the heatedly debated role of the Sun in climate change. This conference brings together solar physicists, space scientists, atmospheric scientists, climate modellers, and paleoclimatologists. -
Theoretical advances in planetary flows and climate dynamics
Les Houches, France
2–6 March 2015
The aim of this meeting is to synthesize recent progress and address outstanding fundamental issues in planetary flows, notably Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. The meeting will highlight the general principles that underlie these flows and will favor multidisciplinary interactions between different scientific approaches (observations, modelling and theory). The number of participants is limited to 70 and the deadline for applications is November 30, 2014.
International workshop on polar-lower latitude linkages and their role in weather and climate prediction
Barcelona, Spain
10–12 December 2014
The workshop's overall aim is to improve the polar components of the tools used for weather and climate prediction, including enhanced initialization, which may lead to improved forecasts in the extra-polar regions. The workshop will consist of key note talks by invited speakers, poster sessions, breakout group sessions and a plenary session. The expected outcome is producing a set of recommendations that will be broadly disseminated as a report. -
EGU Topical meeting: Validation in Flood Risk Modelling
Delft, The Netherlands
9–10 December 2014
In this workshop we aim to gain an overview of validation and verification methods for models used in flood risk analysis – for models of processes for which limited observations are available (e.g. levee failure, inundation, and flood impacts). In these cases, traditional validation techniques that require a lot of data are not applicable. This workshop will bring together international experts on flood hazard estimation and risk assessment, working on fluvial, pluvial, coast, and flash floods. -
Analysis and Management of Changing Risks for Natural Hazards
Padova, Italy
18–19 November 2014
The main objective of this conference is 1) to contribute to a better knowledge of the interaction of natural, engineering, economical and human sciences on risk management, and 2) to highlight the fact that planning information is vital in terms of assisting the planning and development processes as well as effectively reducing the risks. -
6th EGU Leonardo Conference: HYPER Droughts - Hydrological Precipitation - Evaporation - Runoff Droughts
Prague, Czech Republic
13–14 November 2014
These conferences focus on topical questions related to water and its interactions with environment and society, with particular attention for water resources management, flood risk mitigation and environmental protection. The conferences aim to bring together experienced and young scientists and participant numbers are capped. To optimise engagement of young scientists, the programme of oral presentations and posters is augmented with ample time for in-depth scientific discussions. -
Training school "Earthquakes: nucleation, triggering, and relationship with aseismic prcesses"
Cargèse, Corsica
3–10 November 2014
The goal of this school is to give PhD students, post-docs and young scientists an accurate snapshot of our current understanding of how earthquakes nucleate and can be triggered, in the light of recent improvements. Sessions: (1) earthquake nucleation; (2) earthquake triggering; (3) beyond earthquakes - completing the slip spectrum; (4) the seismic cycle - integrated case studies. -
ESA-SOLAS-EGU "Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014 - Responding to the new scientific challenges of SOLAS"
Frascati, Italy
28–31 October 2014
Physical and biochemical interactions (momentum, heat/freshwater fluxes, aerosol and gas exchanges) between oceans and atmosphere influence key components of the Earth system. Recent advances in Earth Observation technology allowed improved global observations of key parameters governing these interactions. This conference jointly organised by ESA, SOLAS and EGU aims at bringing together scientists involved in the observation, characterisation and forecasting of ocean-atmosphere interactions. -
Chemical Atmosphere-Snow-Sea Ice Interactions: taking the next big step in the field, lab & modelling
Cambridge, UK
13–15 October 2014
The air-snow-sea ice system plays a significant role in the global cycling of nitrogen, halogens, trace metals or carbon, including greenhouse gases, and therefore influences also climate. Snow and sea ice act as a chemical reservoir and reactor, even during polar night. However, understanding of processes and participating chemical species is still poor. The workshop provides an inter-disciplinary forum to identify research priorities and corresponding international funding opportunities. -
16th SEISMIX International Symposium on Multi-scale Seismic Imaging of the Earth's crust and Upper Mantle
Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
12–17 October 2014
Symposia of the SEISMIX series, the main topic is the structure of the crust and upper mantle of the continents and their margins using controlled source seismic methods. Emphasis will be devoted to the recent advances that provide images with unprecedented detail. The symposium also welcomes papers using all types of energy sources, covering a wide range of scales and applied in a variety of settings including: the continents, margins, ocean basins, and technical aspects of seismic imaging. -
Mega Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Subduction Zones–Forecasting Approaches and Implications for Hazard Assessment
Rhodes Island, Greece
6–8 October 2014
The International Workshop on «Mega Earthquakes and Tsunamis in Subduction Zones – Forecasting Approaches and Implications for Hazard Assessment» will be held from 6 to 8 October, 2014, in Rhodes island, Greece, with the participation of experts, young scientists and representatives of international organizations from around the globe. The programme includes oral and poster presentations, discussions and social events. -
Thunderstorms and Elementary Particle Acceleration (TEPA-2014)
Byurakan, Armenia
22–26 September 2014
Study of high-energy phenomena in the atmosphere provides unique information about particle acceleration and multiplication in the lower and upper atmosphere during thunderstorms. Generation and propagation of large fluxes of particles in the atmosphere and in near space are related to the development of thunderstorms and may be used for monitoring dangerous consequences of extreme weather. -
Autumn School: Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles
Trieste, Italy
20–27 September 2014
The International Space Science Institute’s (ISSI) Working Group on "Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation: How to Consistently Assimilate Multiple Data Streams" is organizing an Autumn School on ‘Data Assimilation in Biogeochemical Cycles’. The Autumn School will support the training of young scientists building the next generation’s researcher in the growing field of data assimilation in biogeochemical cycle science. -
Topo-Europe 2014: Interplay between surface, lithospheric, and mantle processes
Barcelona, Spain
17–19 September 2014
The 2014 TOPO-EUROPE Meeting will be held in Barcelona at the CosmoCaixa Museum of Science. This 3-day conference will focus on the links between topography, landscape evolution, crustal and lithospheric mantle structures, and geodynamic processes occurring at various depth- and time-scales. The conference will be multidisciplinary including participants from geodynamics, tectonics, seismology, sedimentology, geomorphology and oceanography. -
Multiproxy approach to the reconstruction of the Pliocene climate workshop
Barcelona, Spain
17–19 September 2014
The aim of the workshop is to facilitate a community effort to reconstruct key climatic parameters (temperature, CO2, ice, sea level, vegetation) in selected time intervals within the Pliocene epoch to provide a global representation of Pliocene climate and facilitate data modeling comparisons. -
Geospace revisited: a Cluster /MAARBLE /Van Allen Probes Conference
Island of Rhodes, Greece
15–20 September 2014
This conference aims at revisiting long-standing issues of geospace dynamic phenomena. New data from space missions like Cluster, THEMIS and the more recent Van Allen Probes, along with measurements from ground-based magnetometer arrays around the globe, processed with new methods and combined with theory and simulations are expected to shed light on the complex interplay of particles, fields and waves in geospace, and in particular the inner magnetosphere (radiation belts and ring current). -
MedCLIVAR 2014: Understanding Climate Evolution and Effects on Environment and Societies in the Old World (Mediterranean and Black Seas) Region
Ankara, Turkey
23–25 June 2014
The conference will comprise the paleoclimate, synoptic climatology, sea level and circulation, aerosol chemistry and climate, modeling of the Mediterranean and Global climate system, climate variability and change and their impacts. The sessions are the following: Session 1 Paleoclimate of the Old World region Session 2 Climate variability, trends and extremes Session 3 Regional processes and climate change impacts Session 4 Circulation and mean sea level variability and climate projection -
IMBER Open Science Conference 2014 “Future Oceans – Research for marine sustainability”
Bergen, Norway
22–27 June 2014
Goals: • highlight research results from the IMBER project and activities, • promote integrated syntheses of IMBER-relevant research, and • develop a new global research agenda for marine biogeochemistry and ecosystems in the Anthropocene. Plenary Speakers: Alida Bundy (CA), Claudio Campagna (AR), Jean-Pierre Gattuso (FR), Nicolas Gruber (CH), Alistair Hobday (AU), Eileen Hofmann (US), Corinne Le Quéré (UK), Kon-Kee Liu (TW), Coleen Moloney (ZA), Carol Robinson (UK) -
48th ESLAB symposium: new insights into volcanism across the Solar System
Noordwijk, The Netherlands
16–20 June 2014
This symposium aims to review the different mechanisms, sources and surface expressions of volcanism, both effusive and explosive. The symposium will focus on the understanding of the role and impact of volcanism in the early history of terrestrial planets (including Earth) with particular emphasis on moons and Mercury. This information will be brought together in order to improve our understanding of the formation and evolution of the Solar System. -
Dynamics, stochastics and predictability of the climate system
Valsavarence, Italy
9–18 June 2014
This summer school aims to provide young researchers - in particular Ph.D. students - with an exciting survey of recent developments on the applications of ideas and techniques of nonlinear stochastic dynamics to understand the complex behavior of global climate variability. The material presented will provide the basic background for the methodology and an overview of the state-of-the-art of its applications to climate variability. -
6th IAHS-EGU International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management - Evolving Water Resources Systems - Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water - Society Interactions
Bologna, Italy
4–6 June 2014
The conference aims to bring together experts from different countries and expertises in a stimulating environment to present research ideas and results to bring hydrology into the future by reaching an improved connection with society. The conference will represent a key step to provide a first summary of the relevant research activity that is being carried out on the theme of hydrology and society and will be an opportunity to discuss the next editorial activities planned on the subject. -
EGU General Assembly 2014
Vienna, Austria
27 April – 2 May 2014
Operational Techniques in Volcanic Hazard Assessment
Vienna, Austria
24–25 April 2014
The 2 days workshop will include short lectures and demonstrations by experts in the volcanological application of Bayesian Event Trees, Expert Judgment methods, Bayesian Belief Networks and Automated Monitoring Alerts. There will be an emphasis on the practical application of these techniques for operational hazard assessment. Please find further details at -
Wave Interaction - 2014
Linz, Austria
23–26 April 2014
Advances in the last 50 years have greatly improved our understanding of statistically described wave systems, but controlled experiments to study wave interactions and turbulence are relatively scarce. The aim of this workshop is to discuss regularly observable wave interaction phenomena that are not fully explained by the existing theories and develop new avenues for future research. -
9th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on High Impact Natural Hazards Related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Istanbul, Turkey
24–28 March 2014
The aim of this European Geosciences Union (EGU) 9th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference is to open a forum on natural hazard events that are characterized by high impact and large destructive potential, particularly related to the Euro-Mediterranean Region including Turkey (e.g., Marmara Region). -
European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA) 2014
Grenoble, France
8 January – 7 February 2014
ERCA is a course for thesis students, scientists and engineers from universities, public research institutes and private research or industrial organisations. It is an interdisciplinary course on the Physics and Chemistry of the atmosphere of the Earth, the climate system and climate change, atmospheric pollution at different scales and the human dimensions of environmental changes. The course also covers other planets, satellites and space weather, amongst others. -
European Research School on Atmospheres (ERCA 2014)
Grenoble, France
8 January – 7 February 2014
ERCA is a course for PhD students and scientists from universities, public research institutes and private research organizations. It is a high level international course on the Physics and Chemistry of the atmosphere of planets, the climate system and climate change, atmospheric pollution at different scales and the human dimensions of environmental changes.This 22nd session of ERCA is dedicated to the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
International Conference on Regional Climate (CORDEX)
Brussels, Belgium
4–7 November 2013
CORDEX 2013 brings together the international community of regional climate scientists to present and discuss results from WCRP regional climate studies, with a particular emphasis on the CORDEX initiative. The first day of the meeting will feature two important pre-conference events: a High Level Session with the participation of the European Commissioners and the IPCC. This will be followed by a stakeholder dialogue and presentation of key scientific results. -
5th EGU Leonardo Conference on Facets of Uncertainty
Kos Island, Greece
17–19 October 2013
Three different series of events, the EGU Leonardo Conference, held every year in Europe, the IAHS Statistical Hydrology (STAHY) Workshop, held every year in different places of the world, and the Hydrofractals Conference, held every ten years, coincide in space and time: Kos Island, Greece, 17–19 October 2013. Each of these events has its own dynamics but all three have been set to focus on a common idea: the uncertainty in natural processes. -
9th TOPO-EUROPE Workshop: Linking the Deep and Surface Earth
Certosa di Pontignano, Italy
9–11 October 2013
TOPO-EUROPE conferences have been held annually since 2005. This will be a three day conference on topics that link deep earth tectonics with surface processes. The conference will be multidisciplinary including participants from geodynamics, tectonics, seismology, sedimentology and geomorphology. Attendance is open (subject to space limitations) and submissions are welcome on all topics relative to the cause, creation and modification of the Earth's topography. -
Air-Sea Gas Flux Climatology : Progress and Future Prospects
Brest, France
24–27 September 2013
Internationally renowned scientists will present overviews of key initiatives of the Ocean Flux Project, building a picture of the existing capability in air-sea gas flux climatology. More importantly, we will look ahead to new challenges and opportunities. European Space Agency and other agencies are setting their own priorities and strategies. This workshop is an important opportunity to rationalise and explain the priorities of the scientific community. -
Emile Argand Conference on Alpine Geological Studies
Schladming, Austria
7–14 September 2013
The Alpine workshop aims to further interdisciplinary research on Alpine-type orogens through a series of presentations, posters and discussions. Contributions are sought for presentations on state-of-the-art research and operational developments in Alpine Geology, in particular related to the evolution of the Alps and neighbouring Mediterranean orogens. -
Glacial landforms
Loughborough, UK
3 September 2013
The aim of this workshop is to compare glacial geomorphological mapping by different interpreters for statistically representative synthetic drumlins within a real landscape. This can then inform both the differences/similarities in mapping and quantify the impacts upon the calculation of derived metrics. The workshop will lead to a joint publication of all participants, developing a criteria for interpretive mapping that will facilitate comparability and compatibility of mapped outputs -
The 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography: Long-term perspectives on ocean and climate dynamics – Three decades of ICP
Barcelona, Spain
1–6 September 2013
13th International Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics
Hønefoss, Norway
31 August – 5 September 2013
The numerical Earth Sciences community meets every two years at an international workshop in order to discuss numerical techniques, investigate exciting new avenues, foster collaboration, and introduce students to the interesting challenges of mantle and lithosphere modelling. The 2013 workshop will be held in Hønefoss, Norway, and include these scientific themes: Numerical techniques; Subduction dynamics; Linking surface and deep processes; Geophysics, chemistry and dynamics of planetary interiors; Multi-scale physics of the crust and lithosphere. -
8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology "Geomorphology and Sustainability"
Paris, France
27–31 August 2013
International Tsunami Symposium (ITS-2013)
Göcek, Turkey and Rhodes Island, Greece
25–28 August 2013
The meeting will cover all aspects of tsunami science, including tsunami generation, tsunami wave dynamics, modelling, hazard assessment, operational warning and forecast, engineering approaches, social science aspects of tsunami resilience and other tsunami-related topics. -
IAGA Summer School
Merida, Mexico
20–24 August 2013
The summer school aims to increase the visibility and attractiveness of IAGA (International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy) to young researchers, providing them with an overview of the activities carried out within IAGA across all fields of research related to the Earth's magnetic field and aeronomy and facilitate the establishment of new personal contacts in this field. -
Summer School on Speleothem Science
Heidelberg, Germany
29 July – 2 August 2013
Speleothems are secondary cave deposits and valuable terrestrial climate archives. This summer school aims to raise interest in this rapidly advancing field amongst young scientists. This training school will provide a comprehensive overview of the most current and innovative techniques in the field. Attendees will be exposed to new methods, expand their knowledge in traditional methods through lectures, discussions and practical exercises. -
Understanding Earth-Surface Processes in the Alpine Environment from High Resolution Topography
San vito Di Cadore, Italy
28 July – 4 August 2013
Training in field acquisition, processing and interpretation of high resolution topographic data with ground-based (GPS, Terrestrial Laser Scanner) and airborne instruments (LiDAR, Light Detection and Ranging), for the recognition of geomorphic signatures (erosion, landslides, channel heads, channel network) and for the understanding earth-surface processes in the Dolomites-Alpine context. -
11th International Precipitation Conference
Ede-Wageningen, The Netherlands
1–3 July 2013
The objective of this conference is to promote interdisciplinary discussions of the present state of knowledge in research and applications related to precipitation. The main topics include: precipitation physics, modelling, observations, statistics and climatology, and hydrology. The interaction between these disciplines is expected to lead to new ideas and collaborations and there will be ample opportunity for discussion between young scientists and their more senior colleagues. -
Reconciling Observations and Models of Elastic and Viscoelastic Deformation due to Ice Mass Change
Ilulissat, Greenland
30 May – 2 June 2013
This symposia brings together those working on observation & modelling of cryospheric change & solid earth response to further our understanding of the Earth system. These include: GIA modelling, ice sheet reconstructions, geodesy, glaciology and seismology. The principal interest is in discussing existing, and initiating new, studies at the interface between these disciplines. We also seek to maximise the use of existing and future datasets to provide the most robust constraints on models. -
Rodinia 2013: Supercontinental Cycles and Geodynamics Symposium
Moscow, Russia
20–24 May 2013
Since the 1.0 Ga supercontinent Rodinia was recognized and mapped, it has become a milestone for understanding of Earth's evolution both in the Precambrian and in the Phanerozoic, and global-scale cyclic geodynamics. To continue this global debate, the symposium will focus on new data on the formation, configuration and break-up of Rodinia, its precursors and successors, and related geodynamics processes. -
Properties and Processes of Crustal Fault Zones
Erice, Sicily
18–24 May 2013
This five-day workshop will have four days of presentations followed by a field trip on the final day. Presentations will cover state-of-the art theoretical and observational approaches to quantifying fault zone structure, particularly in relation to earthquake properties and ground motion. Planned sessions include: fault zone seismology, geology, geodesy and mechanics, correlations between fault zone structure, earthquakes and generated motion. -
The variability of primary production in the oceans
Liege, Belgium
13–17 May 2013
The 45th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics will investigate new insights related to the evaluation of primary production and the study of the dynamics between physical forcing and ocean productivity responses at various physical and temporal scales. Particular attention will be focused on the variability at the synoptic to seasonal scales and how it complicates our ability to sample primary production and derive large-scale, climate-driven primary production budgets. -
EGU General Assembly 2013
Vienna, Austria
7–12 April 2013
EGU and IVS Training School for the Next Generation Geodetic and Astrometric VLBI
Helsinki (Finland)
2–5 March 2013
4th EGU Leonardo Conference: Hydrology and Society - Connections between Hydrology and Population dynamics, Policy making and Power generation
Torino, Italy
14–16 November 2012
ESA-CliC-EGU Topical Conference on Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science - Advancing Knowledge of Cryosphere-Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions from Space
Frascati, Italy
13–16 November 2012
14th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms and Final MEDEX Conference
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
13–16 November 2012
8th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on Natural Disasters, Global Change, and the Preservation of World Heritage Sites
Cusco, Peru
12–16 November 2012
Land atmosphere interactions at the regional scale
Madrid, Spain
8–10 October 2012
This workshop will revise the state-of-the art of land-atmosphere interactions encouraging future links between atmospheric process and those that occur at the vegetation and soil level. Invited lecturers will present how we can improve the representation of the land-atmosphere at different spatial and temporal scales and unravel the feedbacks between land and atmosphere. Particular attention will be paid to the regional scale as it can bridge the vegetation-soil processes & atmospheric science. -
Floods and climate: Understanding and exploiting the link between floods and climate
Potsdam, Germany
4–5 October 2012
2nd EGU Summer School on "Structural Analysis of Crystalline Rocks"
Nevessee (Lago di Neves), Italy
22–28 August 2012
The school is aimed at teaching advanced techniques of quantitative structural analysis in deformed basement rocks. It is addressed at PhD and Postdoc students and early-career researchers. The school is divided into two parts: (a) Two days of field work on glacier-polished outcrops in the Nevessee (Lago di Neves) area. (b) A four days of in-classroom teaching in Varna (Brixen) on the theory of deformation and of quantitative methods of micro- and meso-structural analysis of deformed rocks. -
16th international conference on clouds and precipitation
Leipzig, Germany
30 July – 3 August 2012
2nd Landscape Archaeology Conference (LAC)
Berlin, Germany
6–9 June 2012
Les Houches summer school on advanced data assimilation for geosciences
Les Houches, France
28 May – 15 June 2012
This 3-week summer school will be strongly focused on methodology, but information on the applications of advanced data assimilation will also be provided. The school will not be an introduction to data assimilation, but an advanced school, attended by students and young scientists with previous experience in data assimilation. -
4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses
Maryland, USA
7–11 May 2012
EGU General Assembly 2012
Vienna, Austria
22–27 April 2012
The use of geodetic data/tools for seismologic and volcanological applications
Thessaloniki, Greece
3–5 April 2012
Deformation, Fluid Flow, and Mass Transfer in the Forearc of Convergent Margins
Lucca, Italy
25–31 March 2012
Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction Sciences
ESA (ESRIN premises), Frascati (Rome), Italy
29 November – 2 December 2011
3rd EGU Leonardo Conference on the Hydrological Cycle - Floods in 3D: Processes, Patterns, Predictions
Bratislava, Slovakia
23–25 November 2011
13th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Savona, Italy
7–9 September 2011
12th International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Groß Dölln, Germany
20–25 August 2011
7th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on Ocean acidification: consequences for marine ecosystems and society
Penang, Malaysia
20–24 June 2011
ESPG2011 European Earth Surface Process Group Meeting Novel combinations of new tools in surface process studies
Glasgow, UK
30 May – 1 June 2011
EGU General Assembly 2011
Vienna, Austria
3–8 April 2011
International Conference "Mountain Risks: Bringing Science to Society"
Firenze, Italy
24–26 November 2010
2nd EGU Leonardo Conference on the Hydrological Cycle - Looking at catchment in colors
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
10–12 November 2010
ESA, iLEAPS, EGU joint Conference on: Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science
Frascati (Rome), Italy
3–5 November 2010
12th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Chandris Hotel, Corfu Island, Greece
1–4 September 2010
1st EGU Summer School on "Structural Analysis of Crystalline Rocks"
Nevessee (Lago di Neves) area, South Tyrol, Italy
22–27 August 2010
EGU General Assembly 2010
Vienna, Austria
2–7 May 2010
6th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on Climate Change, Natural Hazards, and Societies
Merida, Mexico
15–19 March 2010
1st EGU Leonardo Conference on the Hydrological Cycle - Remote sensing techniques and water cycle (Joint with ESA)
Frascati (Rome) Italy Date: 18–20 November 2009
18–20 November 2009
11th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Barcelona, Spain
7–11 September 2009
11th International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Braunwald, Switzerland
28 June – 3 July 2009
EGU General Assembly 2009
Vienna, Austria
19–24 April 2009
5th Alexander von Humoldt Conference on Iphakade: Climate Changes and African Earth Systems – Past, Present & Future
Cape Town, South Africa
11–16 January 2009
4th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference on The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences
Santiago de Chile, Chile
24–28 November 2008
10th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Nicosia, Cyprus
22–24 September 2008
EGU General Assembly 2008
Vienna, Austria
13–18 April 2008
The Importance of Plasma Processes in Planetary Physics and Astrophysics
Arcachon, France
24–28 September 2007
9th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Varenna, Italy
10–13 September 2007
10th International Workshop on Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Carry-le-Rouet, France
2–7 September 2007
3rd Alexander von Humboldt International Conference: The EAST ASIAN MONSOON, Past, Present and Future
Beijing, China
27–30 August 2007
EGU General Assembly 2007
Vienna, Austria
15–20 April 2007
2nd Alexander von Humboldt Conference on The Role of Geophysics in Natural Disaster Prevention
Lima, Peru
5–9 March 2007
8th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Dead Sea, Israel
17–20 October 2006
EGU General Assembly 2006
Vienna, Austria
2–7 April 2006
7th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Rethymnon, Crete, Greece
5–7 October 2005
9th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Erice, Italy
8–14 September 2005
1st Alexander von Humboldt Conference
Guayaquil, Ecuador
16–20 May 2005
EGU General Assembly 2005
Vienna, Austria
24–29 April 2005
6th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Mediterranean Sea (on board)
17–24 October 2004
Alfvén Waves in Space
Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA
23–27 August 2004
EGU General Assembly 2004
Nice, France
25–30 April 2004
5th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Ajaccio, Corsica
1–3 October 2003
8th International Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Hruba Skala, Czech Republic
13–18 September 2003
Geodynamics and Tectonic Evolution of the Carpathian Arc and its Foreland
Southern Carpathians, Romania
31 May – 6 June 2003
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly
Nice, France
7–11 April 2003
4th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Mallorca, Spain
2–4 October 2002
XXVII General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Nice, France
22–26 April 2002
3rd Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Baja Sardinia, Italy
1–3 October 2001
Quantitative Neotectonics and Seismic Hazard Assessment: New Integrated Approaches for Enviromental Management
Hotel Füred, Balatonfüred, Hungary
22–26 September 2001
7th Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Processes
Aussois, France
13–17 June 2001
XXVI General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Nice, France
25–30 March 2001
2nd Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Siena, Italy
16–18 October 2000
Continental Collision and Tectonosedimentary Evolution of Forelands: Mechanics of Coupling and Far-Field Deformation
Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
31 August – 2 September 2000
From Continental Breakup to Collisions
Hotel Nirvana, Dead Sea, Israel
11–16 June 2000
XXV General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
Nice, France
24–29 April 2000
1st Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms
Maratea, Italy
14–16 October 1999
Global and Regional Sea-Level changes and the Hydrological Cycle
Loiri-Porto, San Paolo, Sardinia, Italy
4–7 October 1999
Auroral Particle Acceleration
Stockholm, Sweden
3–7 May 1999
6th European Workshop on the Numerical Modeling of Mantle Convection and Lithospheric Dynamics
Naurod, Germany
14–16 August 1997
5th Workshop on numerical modelling of mantle convection and lithospheric dynamics
Vlieland, Netherlands
16–19 September 1995
4th Workshop on numerical modelling of mantle convection and lithospheric dynamics
Pistina, Czech Republic
28–31 July 1993