PhD Position in Seismology at ICM-CSIC (Barcelona)
The Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the most multidisciplinary research institute on marine science in Spain. It is also the first marine science centre to be accredited as a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence, a recognition to the institution’s leadership in the field of marine research in Spain and to its commitment to create social impact. Our goal is to develop research of excellence to inspire a society in harmony with the blue planet, in line with the values of the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). Under the motto “Ocean Science for a Healthy Planet,” the ICM conducts frontier research and foster both knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, and impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards.
Seismology (SM)
Bayesian Inversion of Seismic Intensities for Historical Earthquake Analysis
Studying large historical earthquakes is crucial for seismic hazard assessment. Unlike instrumental events recorded by seismometers, historical earthquakes occurred before the advent of such instruments. Their magnitude and location must be inferred from macroseismic intensity data, such as historical documents and damage reports.
To estimate these parameters, seismologists use Intensity Prediction Equations (IPEs), which model ground shaking intensity as a function of earthquake magnitude, distance, attenuation, and local site conditions. However, IPEs must be regionally calibrated using instrumental data, and poorly calibrated models lead to biased estimates of historical earthquakes.
This project aims to develop a Bayesian probabilistic approach to jointly estimate earthquake magnitudes, locations, and IPE parameters, integrating both historical and instrumental data. Unlike traditional methods, this approach will account for uncertainties more comprehensively, leading to improved historical earthquake characterization. Ultimately, this research will contribute to the development of a new seismicity catalog, which will be used to update and improve seismic hazard models for metropolitan France.
Candidate Profile
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in geosciences or computer science and be proficient in programming. Applications from women are especially welcome. The candidate is expected to start on autumn 2025, but the starting date can be adjusted.
Supervision & Collaboration
The PhD will be supervised by Thomas Bodin (ICM-CSIC, Barcelona) in collaboration with Pierre Arroucau (EDF) and the SIGMA3 research program. The student will participate in scientific meetings and contribute to developing algorithms for French seismic databases.
For any information about the project and the application process, contact us at the following addresses. To apply, please send the following documents to :,
- CV
- Statement of research interests
- Names and contact information of referees