PhD student in Atmospheric Science
University of Bremen
Detailed information can be found here:
Transport and chemical transformation of city plumes in Bremen
Research topic and tasks
The harmful effects of air pollutants and PM2.5 particles on human health are well-documented. However, the impacts of measures aimed at improving air quality are difficult to predict. One reason for this is that ozone formation depends on the concentration of precursor substances such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), meaning that a reduction in precursor substances can even lead to an increase in ozone levels. Additionally, some of these precursor substances come from vegetation, either from the surrounding area or urban greenery, which are less affected by air quality measures and play a more significant role when emissions from industry and traffic are reduced. Urban air quality can also be influenced by intensive agriculture in surrounding areas and measures taken only within the city may have limited effectiveness. An important aspect here is the influence of ammonia emissions from livestock farming and fertilization, which contribute to the formation of harmful PM2.5 particles.
The aim of this PhD project is to investigate the causes and changes in air pollution in the city of Bremen using new measurements of ammonia, aerosols, and VOCs. A goal is to better understand the role of emissions from human activities and industrial sources, urban vegetation, and external contributions. Bremen is an ideal study area because it includes urban, industrial, and semi-rural areas, surrounded by agriculturally intensive land. These conditions result in a mixture of emissions from both human and natural sources, some of them also affecting the climate.
The Institute of Environmental Physics of the University of Bremen (IUP-UB) has extensive experience in in-situ measurements of trace and reactive gases in various environments and already operates several measurement instruments at the institute. The applicant will set up a complementary site within the city including a new highly precise multi-gas analyzer for trace gas measurements. These measurement data, along with measurements from IUP-UB and the BLUES monitoring system in Bremen ( /lqi), will allow for a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of the air and the various factors that lead to changes in air quality.
Tasks additionally include:
- Characterization of a high-precision multi-gas analyzer in the laboratory and as part of a new urban measurement station.
- Evaluation and interpretation of measurement data obtained during intensive observation periods, along with simultaneous measurements of VOCs and particles at selected locations in Bremen, as well as meteorological and model data.
- Academic assistance in teaching, amounting to 2-3 SWS (hours per semester week) including the transfer of expertise and practical skills, as well as instruction in the application of scientific methods in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programs according to the applicable LVNV, and teaching export (= subject-specific teaching for other departments).
- Scientific support in research, participation in research projects, and in the publication of scientific data.
- Elaboration of own scientific work, such as preparing a doctoral thesis and scientific publications.
- Other university duties, such as participation in academic self-administration.
- A completed academic university degree (Master/University Diploma) in physics, or in related fields (e.g., atmospheric sciences) with an average grade better than 2.0 in the German system or B in the Anglo-Saxon grading system
- Experimental experience and strong interest in the field of physics and chemistry of the atmosphere
- Good programming skills preferably in Python and Labview.
- Good oral and written knowledge of the English language.
Please send your application documents (cover letter, CV, and copy of your degree certificates including high school) unti 11.04.2025 by indicating the job id A006-25 to:
or by post to:
University of Bremen
Institute of Environmental Physics
Stephanie Drath
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
D-28359 Bremen
We kindly ask you to send us only copies (no portfolios) of your application documents, as we cannot return them. They will be destroyed after the selection process has been completed. Eventual costs arising from your application cannot be reimbursed.