Tenure Track position in Paleontology
Trinity College Dublin
Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL)
Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology (SSP)
The Discipline of Geology in the School of Natural Sciences seeks to appoint an Assistant Professor in the broad area of Palaeontology. The successful applicant will have an excellent research record in the field of Palaeontology and will be expected to i) develop a novel and internationally competitive research programme, and ii) contribute to both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching within the Geosciences and in interdisciplinary curricular teaching, supervision and mentoring where appropriate across other disciplines within the School of Natural Sciences (that is, Botany, Geography, Geology and Zoology).
The study of Palaeontology, signs of life preserved in the rock record, has formed a core part of the science of Geology for over 200 years. From providing the evidence for natural selection, establishing the relative geological timescale, and preserving the isotopes that track Earth’s climatic oscillations, vertebrate, invertebrate and micro-palaeontology are vital to our understanding of how life and Earth have evolved together over time. Understanding the mechanistic links between rapid past climatic and environmental fluctuations and biotic change is of direct relevance to understanding how the modern Earth system operates and the major challenges that our 21st Century society faces. Therefore, applications are invited from all sub-disciplines within the wider fields of palaeontology and palaeobiology, that may also include a palaeo-environmental or stratigraphic focus. The successful candidate should highlight, i) how their proposed research will address some of the above topics, and ii) whilst bringing something new to the Discipline, how they might identify opportunities for intra- and inter-Discipline collaborations.
Post Status Tenure Track – This position is Tenure Track positions which is 5-years in the first instance, permanency is subject to satisfying the tenure requirements.
Salary: Appointment will be made on the Assistant Professor (109BN) commensurate with qualifications / experience and in line with Public Sector Pay Policy [€41,500 to €99,550 per annum] www.tcd.ie/hr/assets/pdf/monthly-academic.pdf
How to Apply: Applicants should provide the following information when applying
1. A Cover Letter (1 A4 Page);
2. A comprehensive curriculum vitae, including a full list of publications;
3. The names and contact details (i.e. addresses, e-mail, etc.) of three referees;
4. A research plan (summarising research to be carried out in the next four years and including details of funding to be sought – 2 pages maximum) and a teaching statement (summarising teaching experience and approach – 2 pages maximum).
PLEASE NOTE: Candidates who do not submit this additional information may not be considered for shortlisting.
Closing Date: 12 noon (Irish Standard Time) 24th March 2025 Application will only be accepted by applying online through the Trinity Jobs Portal my.corehr.com/pls/trrecruit/erq_jobspec_details_form.jobspec?p_id=038043
Applications must be made by the date and time specified. Any applications which are still in progress at the closing time on the specified closing date will be cancelled automatically by the system. Late Applications will not be accepted.
Informal enquiries Candidates wishing to discuss the post informally and in confidence should email Prof Christopher Nicholas ( NICHOLYJ@tcd.ie), Head of Discipline of Geology.