Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Environmental Mineralogy at the Faculty of Earth Sciences, Geography and Astronomy at the University of Vienna
University of Vienna
The University of Vienna is internationally renowned for its excellence in teaching and research, and counts more than 7,500 academics from all disciplines. This breadth of expertise offers unique opportunities to address the complex challenges of modern society, to develop comprehensive new approaches, and educate the problem-solvers of tomorrow from a multidisciplinary perspective.
Homepage: https://www.univie.ac.at/en/
We seek applicants with an excellent track record in the general field of nano-scale mineralogy and with a focus on investigating the properties and behavior of minerals and synthetic materials in environmental processes. Successful candidates have a strong background in the application of analytical techniques in geomaterial-related research, preferentially for the evaluation of the structure and properties of interfaces, aspects of nanomineralogy, or structure-property relations on a molecular level. Close cooperation with electron diffraction facilities at the University and with the Core Facilities at the faculty is expected. The future professorship should contribute to the University‘s strategic priority “Climate, Environment, Sustainability”, should be involved in applied resource research across geoscientific departments, and cooperate with the environmental nanoresearch and aquatic environmental geochemistry research at the University of Vienna and beyond.
The research environment (https://mineralogie.univie.ac.at/en/) has a focus on mineral physics, applied mineralogy (gemstones, industrial mineralogy) and crystallography. Existing laboratory facilities encompass X-ray diffraction analysis and solid-state spectroscopy and are supplemented by thermal analysis laboratories and synthesis facilities. There exists close exchange with the laboratories and core facilities for electron beam measurement techniques and with solid-state mass spectroscopy at neighboring institutes and faculties. Inter- and transdisciplinary research within the scope of the University‘s strategic priority “Climate, Environment, Sustainability” is highly encouraged.
If you have any questions, please contact: tenuretrack.personal@univie.ac.at