Postdoctoral position at the BSC (Spain) on the role of atmospheric teleconnections in decadal prediction
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL)
Ocean Sciences (OS)
We are pleased to advertise a job opportunity to work as a postdoctoral researcher on climate prediction at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center.
We are looking for an enthusiastic and talented researcher to investigate how the representation of key teleconnection mechanisms in the North Atlantic region affects the decadal predictive skill over Europe. This job will contribute to the European project IMPETUS4CHANGE and will entail analysing large-ensembles of retrospective predictions performed in the context of the Decadal Climate Prediction Project.
The deadline for applications is the 30th of September 2024.
Further details are provided in the offer published at the BSC site:
For informal inquiries about the position, please contact me at
We look forward to your applications.