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Job advertisement 5 postdoc positions on AI for Earth & climate

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European Geosciences Union

5 postdoc positions on AI for Earth & climate

5 postdoc positions on AI for Earth & climate

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Universitat de Valencia


Valencia, Spain


Relevant divisions
Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
Biogeosciences (BG)
Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI)




Required education

Application deadline
6 September 2024

19 August 2024

Job description

We offer 5 postdoctoral positions attached to different European research projects in the intersection of machine learning and Earth and climate sciences.

1) USMILE ERC Synergy grant –
2) AI4PEX –
4) MeDiTwin – Mediterranean Digital Twin Network for Understanding Climate Extremes
5) ThinkingEarth –

We seek for smart and proactive researchers with interest in machine learning (hybrid modeling, GPs, graph neural networks, foundation models, diffusion models, UQ, information theory) + Earth sciences (remote sensing, upscaling, UQ, Gaussian processes, xAI) + Climate sciences (ML-based parametrization, extreme events). Also, the MeDiTwin offers an interesting opportunity to develop your career around capacity building, management, and high-level teaching ML for the Earth sciences.

Additional info:

  • Deadline for applications (extended!): September 6th 2024
  • Interviews to short-listed candidates: September 10-20th 2024
  • Flexible starting dates: From October 2024 to March 2025 (negotiable, and depending on the project)
  • All positions are for a duration of 2 years, extendable for an additional 1 year based on mutual satisfaction and agreement.
  • Full time or part time, as well as working from abroad is negotiable, and depending on the project
  • Your Profile
    - Experience in machine learning, deep learning, image processing, statistics, Bayesian inference
    - We love interdisciplinarity! Interested in remote sensing, Earth sciences, climate science
    - Experienced in scientific interpretation and analysis of data
    - Experienced with or convincing motivation to enter a leadership position
    - Familiar with modelling, model-data-fusion and machine learning
    - Excellent quantitative skills (e.g. data analysis, modelling)
    - Strong programming skills in Python/Julia/R
    - Proven record of scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals
    - PhD in maths, physics, or computer science
    - Critical and organized sense for data analysis
    - Maturity and commitment
    - Strong communication, presentation and writing skills are a big plus
    - Collaborative team player
  • Your tasks:

- Lead research along the project specific topics
- Collaborate with an international team of researchers
- Coadvise PhD students
- Publish in international peer-reviewed journals and conference venues
- Coordinate and report activities of the project, attend project meetings

  • Why ISP? Context and offer: The successful candidates will be based in the Universitat de València, Spain. Prof. Camps-Valls is the coordinator of the Image and Signal Processing (ISP) group. The group is devoted to the development of machine learning and signal processing techniques for remote sensing image processing, Earth observation data analysis and the Geosciences. Several topics are treated in our research group and projects: regression, causality & information theory, Earth observation data analysis, physics-aware machine learning, generative modeling, eXplainable AI and feature ranking, and anomaly detection. The ISP group is the place to be:

- Browse who we are and what we do at:
- Truly interdisciplinary projects: machine learning + climate/geo sciences + neuroscience + socio-economics
- Work in cutting-edge machine learning to tackle relevant, challenging societal, environmental and climate problems
- Postdocs may supervise outstanding students and lecture in top EU master is possible, yet not mandatory.
- Access to high performance computing facilities and clusters
- Part-time job and teleworking are generally acceptable
- Flexibility to work on side projects with companies and international organizations (see list of collaborators)
- We care about diversity and the gender issue!
- Active group, engaged in vibrant AI networks like ELLIS, i-AIDA and ESA PhiLab and with cool collaborators
- Friendly, interactive and international working environment
- Salary according to UV scales (38-45k gross depending on seniority) + health insurance + travel money. – València has a convenient cost-of-living index = 55.


How to apply