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Job advertisement Dust-DN: 17 PhD opportunities on atmospheric dust

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European Geosciences Union

Dust-DN: 17 PhD opportunities on atmospheric dust

Dust-DN: 17 PhD opportunities on atmospheric dust

Several institutions within the Dust Doctoral Network logo

Several institutions within the Dust Doctoral Network

We are:

  • The first doctoral network on a European scale (to our knowledge), bringing together expertise on mineral dust in the atmosphere, combining multidisciplinary aspects.
  • A strategic international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral alliance of high-profile partners, able to leverage on unique state-of-the-art facilities
  • A careful blend between individual research projects and integrated combined training and networking, and a critical mass on dust-focused studies using complementary methodologies.
  • Exposure of the doctoral candidates to differing research and working environments, multiple technologies and methodologies.
  • Training in the atmospheric sciences, dust science questions, transferable skills and on the partners’ unique research infrastructures, enabling to tackle the bigger picture of dust challenges.
  • Dedicated applied research projects with direct contributions and impacts embedded with the societal and industrial sector.




Relevant divisions
Atmospheric Sciences (AS)
Biogeosciences (BG)
Climate: Past, Present & Future (CL)


Student / Graduate / Internship

Salary depending on location and circumstances (see job adverts on our website)

Required education

Application deadline
31 August 2024

11 July 2024

Job description

Looking for a prestigious PhD opportunity in Europe? With this message I would like to introduce you to the DUST DOCTORAL NETWORK (Dust-DN, ) which is recruiting on 17 ambitious research projects in the theme of atmospheric dust.

Dust is a major atmospheric aerosol, and it gives us one of the most visible and detectable aspects of transboundary transport of atmospheric constituents, impacting visibility, radiation and climate. It affects the environment, society, and several economic sectors, with impacts on the transportation and energy sectors for example, the nature and cost of which is not fully understood and quantified. The Dust Doctoral Network will train a cohort of scientists to become leaders in this field of research.

Are you interested in this exciting opportunity? Please visit our webpage ( ) and consider the positions available (deadline for applications: 31 August 2024). The selected candidates will be appointed under a 36-months full-time employment contract and will be enrolled in a PhD programme at one or more project partner institutions, under the MSCA scheme ( ).

How to apply

Please visit our webpage ( ) and apply by 31 August 2024.

Several job locations (see website): Nicosia, Cyprus; Reading, UK; Évora, Portugal; Athens, Greece; Barcelona, Spain; Darmstadt, Germany; Karlsruhe, Germany; and Davos, Switzerland