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Job advertisement Tenure-Track Postdoctoral Position in "Hydrology and Water Managment with focus on Hydrological Modelling

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Tenure-Track Postdoctoral Position in "Hydrology and Water Managment with focus on Hydrological Modelling

Tenure-Track Postdoctoral Position in "Hydrology and Water Managment with focus on Hydrological Modelling


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU), Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment, Institute of Hydrology and Water Management


Vienna, Austria


Relevant division
Hydrological Sciences (HS)

Full time


University Staff to job group: B1 lit. b Gross monthly salary (depending on previous eligible experience) at least: € 4,752,30 (14x a year)

Required education

Application deadline
26 June 2024

21 June 2024

Job description

§99 (5) positions offer academics with high potential and the relevant achievements the opportunity of an academic carrier ranging from a postdoc position to that of assistant professor and on to associated professor. The position of associated professor can be achieved at the latest six years after the appointment. §99 (5) positions are aimed at academics with a doctorate/PhD degree, with high potential, who are close to or have already successfully completed a habilitation. Experience at other universities or research institutes abroad is expressly welcome.

Task and focus area:
- Research in the field of Hydrology and Water Management with a focus on Hydrological Modelling,
- Linking research to national and international water resources management,
- Development and application of modelling systems of varying complexity, including artificial intelligence (AI) methods, to different spatial scales to describe hydrological processes in catchment areas,
- Co-operation and networking with other relevant institutes within the department and at BOKU,
- Teaching and supervision or co-supervision of final papers within the scope of legal possibilities,
- Transfer of knowledge and the promotion of junior researchers in line with the social responsibility of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Assumption of administrative tasks within the framework of university self-administration,
- Acquisition and management of competitively funded national and international research projects Publication and presentation of research results Represent the field of expertise at the national and international levels

How to apply

Please submit your application in English incl.:

- Curriculum vitae with detailed presentation of professional, teaching and research activities incl. ORCID
- List of all publications (refereed & non-refereed), lectures and projects
- Electronic transmission of the PDF files of five own publications which you consider to be particularly important
- Rough concept for future plans in research and teaching including your contribution to the scientific profile of the Department
- Teaching portfolio including evaluation results Brief explanation why you think you should be particularly suitable for this position (max. 1 page)
- Contact details of 2 persons, whom we may contacts as references

and indicating the reference code 113 to until 26th of June 2024.