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Job advertisement Postdoctoral researcher in hydrological and/or transport modeling

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European Geosciences Union

Postdoctoral researcher in hydrological and/or transport modeling

Postdoctoral researcher in hydrological and/or transport modeling


Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)

SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, is an expert authority under the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. SMHI has a global outlook and a vital mission to forecast changes in weather, water and climate. With a scientific foundation, we use knowledge, research and services to contribute to a more sustainable society.

The unit for Hydrological Research works in Sweden, Europe and worldwide with developing Water and Climate services based on forecast and scenario tools. We assess and predict variability in water resources, climate change impacts, and water quality in catchments including pollutant transport.


Norrköping, Sweden


Relevant division
Hydrological Sciences (HS)


Entry level

In accordance with Swedish standards

Required education

Application deadline
16 August 2024

20 June 2024

Job description

Do you want to contribute to a better world and sustainable society? Do you want to work with Swedish and international hydrology? Are you interested in research? Take the chance and become one of our new employees!

We are looking for postdoctoral researchers with experience in hydrological modeling and development as well as evaluation of hydrological observations and model results. The position is for 2 years.

You will work with hydrological models at continental and global scales, with large data both as observations and model results, where you need to develop various scripts to e.g. improve the model results with help of observations, homogenize input data, and develop hydrological process descriptions in the model. Model development considers both runoff and transport aspects for various water quality constituents. The work includes scientific analyses, programming, quality control, and documentation. You are expected to publish at least one article in a scientific journal per year.

All work tasks require competence in hydrological modeling with different directions that distinguish the individual recruitments:

  • Global hydrological modeling of flows and transports (microplastics, sediment, and other transport processes in World-wide HYPE, development of processes in HYPE model and calibration)
  • Large scale modeling of stream flows and nutrients in Europe and Sweden (development of processes in HYPE model and calibration strategies)

See full announcement with all details at the SMHI website

How to apply

Apply directly at SMHI website