Ph.D or Postdoc opening in modeling of flow and deformation of porous media
Energy, Resources and the Environment (ERE)
Hydrological Sciences (HS)
Women and men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. A safe return is doubtful. Honor and recognition in the event of success (paraphrased from Shackleton’s Ad).
OK, this is a bit of an exaggeration; there is a 90% chance for a safe return…
We study the coupling between flow and geomechanics, specifically the pore pressure and the porous media deformation, a process known to be a precursor to induced seismicity. We have unique data that unravel this coupling by relating local elastic and plastic strain on the micron scale with the flow and pore pressure. We seek a seasoned researcher with a background in modeling one or more processes: Darcy flow in porous media, poroelasticity, poromechanics, pore-scale pressure and flow in porous media, and pore-network models. The candidate needs to be willing to enjoy a vibrant group, have a child’s curiosity to learn new concepts, and be stubborn enough to dive into challenging scientific questions.
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