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Masino river (Credit: Christian Massari, distributed via

HS Hydrological Sciences Early Career Scientists (ECS)

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European Geosciences Union

Division on Hydrological Sciences

Early Career Scientists (ECS)

During the EGU General Assembly several activities are especially aimed for Young Scientists. Among them short courses on 'How to write a paper', interactive discussions with experts in hydrology ('Meet the expert'), and brainstorms on the future of the EGU General Assembly.

Do you want to become an active Young Scientist in Hydrology? Please consider joining the Young Hydrologic Society or contact the EGU young scientist representative of the Hydrological Science Division.

The Young Hydrologic Society (YHS) is a bottom-up initiative to stimulate the interaction and active participation of young hydrologists within the hydrological community. YHS organises the several short courses and events at the EGU General Assembly in Vienna aiming at early career hydrologists. You can find more about YHS online, and there are always opportunities to get involved in the organisation of events.