Subdivision on Ecohydrology and limnology
Chair: Natalie Orlowski

The subdivision on Ecohydrology and Limnology (EL) hosts sessions that are concerned with the interactions between hydrological, ecological and other aspects of aquatic (including lakes, rivers and wetlands) and terrestrial ecosystems. The EL subdivision aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and stimulate the development of our knowledge of the interactions and feedbacks between these hydrological and other ecosystem processes, and how they relate to ecosystem properties, dynamics and functions. Understanding these highly interactive, complex and often delicate relationships at different scales is crucial to support sustainable management of both water resources and ecosystems in the face of environmental changes
Interdisciplinary is at the core of this subdivision, bringing together specialists from a range of different fields. Many of our sessions are co-organised with one or more of Biogeosciences (BG), Soil System Sciences (SSS), Geomorphology (GM), and Ocean sciences (OS). However, the hydrological determinants are central to all sessions in the EL subdivision.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Interactions between hydrological, chemical, biological and morphological processes
- Ecosystem structure, function and feedback responses to hydrological drivers
- Physical principles underlying ecohydrological processes
- Mathematical and methodological aspects of ecohydrology
- Patterns, processes, and interactions at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface
- Influence of vegetation on water flow pathways (e.g. streamflow, soil infiltration and redistribution)
- Coupled in-stream ecohydrological and geomorphological processes for river management
- Ground water – surface water interactions and how these relate to biogeochemical and ecologic processes
- Impacts of climate change and anthropogenic pressures
- Hydrological processes operating in peatlands, estuaries, lakes and in-land seas