Below are the EGU's open access peer-reviewed journals relevant to the Geodynamics Division. For a complete list of EGU journals, click here.
The EGU journals are indexed in the Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar, etc. We refrain from displaying the journal metrics here since citation metrics used in isolation do not describe importance, impact, or quality of a journal. However, these metrics can be found on the websites of the respective journals.

Geoscientific Model Development (GMD)
Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and public discussion of the description, development, and evaluation of numerical models of the Earth system and its components.

Solid Earth (SE)
Solid Earth (SE) publishes multidisciplinary research on the composition, structure, dynamics of the Earth from the surface to the deep interior at all spatial and temporal scales.