Who's coming?
- Agle, DC (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Angel, Maria (Seascape Belgium)
- Bettel, Sonja (Freelance for Radio Ö1, Der Standard, Furche, Flussreporter and others)
- Brinkhuis, Dan (sciencemedia.nl)
- Brus, Magdalena (EGI Foundation)
- Byford, Lyndal (Australian Science Media Centre)
- Carter, Bryan (Freelance/Grey Skies Productions)
- Cassel, Andrew (Hubbard Brook Research Foundation)
- Castrillo Ramírez, Olatz (EFE)
- Chen, Yanhua (Springer Nature)
- Collins, Lewis (One Earth, Cell Press)
- Cottam, Bryony (Staff writer)
- Cutts, Elise (Freelance)
- Dagmar Röhrlich (Deutschlandfunk)
- De Fonseks, Dominic (University of Birmingham)
- den Hond, Bas (Freelance)
- den Hond, Bas (Freelance)
- Dorminey, Bruce (Forbes)
- Drago, Federico (EGI Foundation)
- Esperancinha, Sérgio (Freelance - Four.Six Geoscience Communication)
- Fisher, Jodie (International Ocean Drilling Programme)
- Franck, Gwen (EGI Foundation)
- Gibson, Diane (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)
- Goldsmith, Carole (Freelance)
- Henry, Charlotta (FLUXES Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, Editor-in-Chief)
- Hobbhahn, Nina (eLTER RI)
- Hofstaetter, Rudolf (Motorpresseverlag Stuttgart)
- Ihedigbo, Stanley (The Mirror Newspaper)
- Imarisio, Camilla (Cell Press)
- Irwin, Aisling (Freelance)
- Janssen, Stephanie (CLICCS, University of Hamburg)
- Kamileris, Nathalie (RadioZinzine and Université Laval)
- Katz, Cheryl (Freelance)
- Kemeny, Richard (Freelance)
- Kroker, Holger (Freelance)
- Larsson, Olivia (SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute))
- Le Page, Michael (New Scientist)
- LESTE-LASSERRE, Christa (Freelance for Science, New Scientist, and Scientific American)
- Luhtaniemi, Maria (Integrated Carbon Observation System - ICOS ERIC)
- Marshall, Michael (Freelance)
- Mayr, Norbert (naturland - Zeitschrift des naturschutzbund and outhers)
- Merten, Thomas (University of Hamburg Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society”)
- Nitsch, Jana (MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen)
- O'Donnell, Megan (The Geological Society (Press Office))
- Ölander, Amanda (AnaEE-ERIC & AgroServ)
- Ozolina, Karlina (Communications Specialist, ICOS ERIC)
- Papageorgiou, Marina (The Cyprus Institute)
- Pease, Roland (BBC Science in Action)
- Pekkola, Marko (Tähdet ja avaruus)
- Pero, Sara (EMSO ERIC)
- Pisica, Adrian (MUSER MEDIA)
- Plail, Melissa (Cell Press - Cell Reports Sustainability)
- Pope, Kristen (Freelance)
- Röhrlich, Dagmar (Deutschlandfunk)
- Said Osman mahgob, Mona (Akhbar Alyom Newspaper)
- Samuels, Fionna (Chemical & Engineering News)
- Saponaro, Giulia (ACTRIS ERIC)
- Schlömer, Oliver (Science Media Center Germany)
- Sever, Megan (freelance)
- Simons, Leon (Club of Rome Netherlands, Freelance)
- Stadler, Jochen (APA)
- Taeuber, Nikolaus (Austria Presse Agentur - APA)
- Taggart, Peter (Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS))
- Talwar, Gaurav (The Times of India)
- Titz, Sven (Neue Zuercher Zeitung)
- Tzvetkova, Alexandra (Pensoft Publishers)
- ULLAH, MD EMDAD (The Daily Khabarpatra)
- Villaplana, Virginia (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
- Vizcarra, Natasha (Freelance)
- Voosen, Paul (Science)
- Wenzel, Silvio (Editor at Science Media Center Germany)
- Wertz, Joe (Bloomberg)
- Winkler, Bärbel (Skeptical Science)
- Zenonos, Eleni (The Cyprus Institute)