Who's coming?
Agle, DC (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Brus, Magdalena (EGI Foundation)
Byford, Lyndal (Australian Science Media Centre)
Castrillo Ramírez, Olatz (EFE)
Chen, Yanhua (Springer Nature)
Collins, Lewis (One Earth, Cell Press)
Cottam, Bryony (Staff writer)
Cutts, Elise (Freelance)
Dagmar Röhrlich (Deutschlandfunk)
De Fonseks, Dominic (University of Birmingham)
den Hond, Bas (Freelance)
Drago, Federico (EGI Foundation)
Esperancinha, Sérgio (Freelance - Four.Six Geoscience Communication)
Franck, Gwen (EGI Foundation)
Gibson, Diane (Northern Ireland Environment Agency)
Henry, Charlotta (FLUXES Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, Editor-in-Chief)
Ihedigbo, Stanley (The Mirror Newspaper)
Imarisio, Camilla (Cell Press)
Irwin, Aisling (Freelance)
Janssen, Stephanie (CLICCS, University of Hamburg)
Katz, Cheryl (Freelance)
Kemeny, Richard (Freelance)
Kroker, Holger (Freelance)
Le Page, Michael (New Scientist)
Marshall, Michael (Freelance)
Mayr, Norbert (naturland - Zeitschrift des naturschutzbund and outhers)
Merten, Thomas (University of Hamburg Cluster of Excellence “Climate, Climatic Change, and Society”)
Ölander, Amanda (AnaEE-ERIC & AgroServ)
Ozolina, Karlina (Communications Specialist, ICOS ERIC)
Papageorgiou, Marina (The Cyprus Institute)
Pisica, Adrian (MUSER MEDIA)
Plail, Melissa (Cell Press - Cell Reports Sustainability)
Röhrlich, Dagmar (Deutschlandfunk)
Said Osman mahgob, Mona (Akhbar Alyom Newspaper)
Samuels, Fionna (Chemical & Engineering News)
Schlömer, Oliver (Science Media Center Germany)
Sever, Megan (freelance)
Simons, Leon (Club of Rome Netherlands, Freelance)
Stadler, Jochen (APA)
Taeuber, Nikolaus (Austria Presse Agentur - APA)
Taggart, Peter (Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS))
Titz, Sven (Neue Zuercher Zeitung)
Tzvetkova, Alexandra (Pensoft Publishers)
ULLAH, MD EMDAD (The Daily Khabarpatra)
Vizcarra, Natasha (Freelance)
Wenzel, Silvio (Editor at Science Media Center Germany)
Wertz, Joe (Bloomberg)
Zenonos, Eleni (The Cyprus Institute)